Benvary 7, 1946 Mre Harvey He Haines Sabetha, Kansas Dear ‘Harvey: I am sending you a basketball brochure for whieh! you wrote. I em very glad to do this and I will be happy for Jordan to have it. When you write him, congratulate Jordan on his splendid achievement in being one of the eight plebes that made West Point basketball squads. You tell him that I think it is quite an honor for him to make the training table and have a private lockere P I know how rough that West Point eurrioulun ise Ogden Jones, the Chairman of the Selective Service Board, has a son at West Point now, They flew him back from Europe last fall and Be writes that it is rougher than pig iron. I served with Ogden Jones on the Selective Service System, being the secretary, so «we see a lot of each other. He tells me all about the situation, Ogden Jones is the geologist in the Health Department for the State ef Kensas but is located in the Engineering Building. Ogden and his family drove back Christmas to visit Ogden, jr. It might be that Harvey could look up Ogden, I ‘think Ogden is on the track team under Leo Novak. 4 Give my good friends in my kindest sani Wishing you and yours a very Prosperous New Year, I am Sincerely, Director of Physical Bdusation, FCA: MF : Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. i