November 10, 1946 LNG e Devid He. Fax, gS elieRe . nde Lepte ReileOs Navy NOe 926. G/0 Fe Ps San Freneisco, Californie Near Davids ‘ Your mother saw an article in Landon leira's “About Toon" column, & story about my Jawhawker Kebounds We have been publishing these for quite some time, . - in fact, since the start of the war when it got going ineoarnett. : Your mother asked that I include you on our miling — liste Iam sorry that 1 did not have you on this list as 1 had about 640 former Jawhawk ethletes and other stand-out chape who have been serving ovr country in @ most commendable mannere i gives me Sleasure, because I assure you that you have been doing a top-joo for our old “Tnele Sammie", I am only sorry that i did not have your name on my list sooner, i trust there is_ some part of this Rebound thet you may enjoys I wrote your mother that I heave a son-in«law Lt» Re Mons in the Heavy, lie is located on the same island : that you are, but 1 imagine the personnel there is rather large and you probably will not run across him, but if ‘ you should, he will be happy to see youe eos Your good mother tells me thet you were really "hitting the ball" before VI Tay, ‘ow it is not so strenuous, so you certainly have earned your right for a little leteup at least. ; _ With all good wishes and trust that you will be returned to the states soon, I ain, Sincerely, Director of Physical Education PCA sGH Varsity Basketball Coach