WILSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT WILSON, KANSAS February 26,46, Dr.Forrest C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr.Allen: At the time I wrote to you confirming the commencement date ‘on Tuesday,May 14,1 mentioned the question of basketball sound movie film.Since writing to you,I have been informed that I am on a Lions Club committee to entertain the high school football and basket- ball boys.The entertainment is to be provided on March 14 and I am wondering if it would be possible to obtain any sound films that would provide good entertainment for such an event.The boys will be entertained with a regular dinner followed by some entertainment,.You may have something that might be very useful to the committee.As I said in my previous letter,I have available a 16 mm. sound movie projector. If you have any sound film on basketball that we could rent, please let me know very soon.If you do not have such films in your department ,would you refer my letter to the extension service.Any sound films you may have of the Kansas team would certainly be fine for this event. I wish to congzatulate you and your players on the Championship of the Big Six.Any films you may have of your team at practices or games would be ideal for our Lions Club program.,May I hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, af eS Cer beoeeteol ie W.H.Hukriede, superintendent