ky January 22, 1946 Mie We Pe Hieronymus, President Midland College Fremont, Nebraska Dear President Hieronymus: IT am late in replying to your inquiry of January 15 regarding your consideration to the application of Mr. John Pfitsch for the Director of Physical Education and Athletic Coach at aotaene College in Fremont, Nebraska. I am habe to state that Mr. Pfitsch is my assistant in varsity basketball and also my assistant in the Department of Physical Education, He is a sterling character, has an exceptional personality and is as clean as a hound's toothe He has leadership far beyond even a superior leader, He has an unusual yen for cooperation with the other fellow, His ability to get along with young people and to lead them by the power of his personality is unexcelled. I might relate my experience with Mr. Pfitsche Several years ago I was teaching summer school at the University of Texas in | Austin, Mr. Pfitsch was a graduate at that time, After receiving his AeBe, he followed me here to the University of Kansas, where he took his masters' degree, majoring in our department. He is a son of a physician, a former medical missionary, When the war came on, he tried to enlist but the examining physician found that he could not supinate, due to the fact that the head of the radius was too long to allow him to upturn his palms in m outward direction, The theory was, of course, that a soldier could not fire a gun readily if he could not supinate freely, so he was turned down as a candidate for officer's training. However, he was drafted and entered the Army as a private. He came out a captain and was being recommended-for his majority when he came out. He was one of General George S. Patton's trusted men and made a great record. He was sighted and decorated for bravery on several occa= sions, He is fearless and has the spirit of his convictions. He does not use narcotics or alebholic beverages fini any way, nor have I ever heard him use profanity. He went through the entire war without even drinking coffees he is that clean in his personal habit, He is of small stature, but his personality is such tht this is no handicap to him whatsoever. He is a member of the Lutheran Church and follows his ideals religiously. I would recommend him to you without reservation or evasion. , aX Sincerely yours 4: , Director of Physical Education, FCAsMF ee Varsity Basketball Coach.