February 17, 1943. Mr, Bill Brill, | 1140 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Bill: I feel that you should kmow a great many errors have occurred in connection with the grades you turned in last semester for your students in physical ni eeuaation- inge This has been very eubarragsing to us. The fact eal ws leew bn Your Gall Wak hems tot te Sek situation. If such mistakes siiithsdiek signee OE: Dalen to ehange instructors. While you might not consider it a very serious thing, Dean Lewson and other administrators do. If a student had withdraw, and a grade was turned in for him, there is evidently carelessness on the part of the instructor. If you care to disouse this with me I will be glad to talk with you. This is a situation that has caused us some very embarraseing moments with ow deans. Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.