September 12, 1945 Mr. Cecil Hough The Kansas Electric Power Co, Lawrence, Kansas Dear Cecil: ~ I a sorry that I did not get an sicaetenaten to explain to you at the Council Meeting Monday night, regarding this $5.00 check. I gave a $5.00 check to you and Corlett to cover your meals and expenses. I will get my $5.00 back I assure you.e It will come out of the District fund of Rotary, ) I had already talked to past Governor liomer Ebright - regarding the matter. I will write checks for such things as these and then return the cancelled check to Governor Bbright -— when I submit my bills fer refund. The past District Governor is the present Governor from a Committee to pass on District expenditures. Since Howard Quigley is the past District Governor and. he has gene te Minnesota, it was agreed that the past Gov- ernor before lioward Quigley would be the Treasurer. Therefore, this money will be refunded to me and I beg of you, my good fellow, "Cec" to accept it, cash it, and spend it. Se How. don't send this back to me again, fellow, or we will wear the doggone thing out in transit. I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I am still just as insistant that it is a great pleasure for me to pass it on to you with all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Forrest C.Allen Director of Physical Hducation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:med eS Che Kansas Eleriric Power Company td a Ze FIFTH AND MULBERRY ; HEATH'S OfoGQwm BAKERY Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes Salina Kansas September 19, 1945 Mr. Forrest CG, Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Allen: In the beginning, let me assure you that I don't aim to become a pest writing on the slightest "provocation", and since I know you are very busy this letter will-not call for a reply. I want to explain and sort of apologize for not delivering your letter to Gene Anderson, I already had his definite assurance that he was going to K.U. and more particularily and more important, I think, his father's word that he was going there, I have seen Gene on the street two times since I received your letter, but I did not have the letter with me, I had had these talks with them before I received your letter, Then again, with reference to his having been contacted by Frosty Cox, if Gene tells. you that he passed up other opportunities to come to K.U. then you will get it "straight." Otherwise, as circumstances and problems arise, and they usually do, they might be handled: easier if you "just don't know" anything about any such propositions having been "dangled" before him and are able to assume that he chose K.U. of his own free will and strictly on its merit, In his case, so far, I think he is coming to K.U. pretty much "Sold" on K.U. and what it ean and will do for him, I pointed out to both Gene and his father how K.U. and basketball had served as a stepping stone to good jobs after graduation and the very small percentage of "athletic tramps" ever to result or be identified with your teams, Gene Johnson, former coach, had talked to Gene's father about the Southern Conference, Tennessee, Kentucky ete. Gene Johnson has left us. I understand he is state agent for a life insurance company in Indiana, - Mr. Anderson told me Gene had earned and saved quite a sizeable amount of money this summer, This will be a big help and if he can get ‘situated well as to living quarters and possibly a little help in properly budgetting his expenses, things should work out nicely. Owen Hodgson, told me this morning Mr. Quigley called yesterday about Harry Garrison. I don't know anything about the boy personally. I do know that as a high school footba 1 player he was big, rough and tough. I understand he is going to Lawrence today. I would like to see him enroll, He has size and age, having been out of high school two years. Mr. Hodgson mentioned Leslie Marlin, who seems to be a "pal" as of the present of Gene Anderson... It sems Marlin has possibly contacted Mr. Quigley. : : i 5 as ae : +: eae 4 “4 ie a na ice. Oe : . f eR Are RR ee SG 5 wy >» ; EARL HEATH 252 . SOUTH FI FTH STREE ET SALANIA; KANS AS FIFTH. AND MULBERRY oo HEATH'S AfoGuemm BAKERY oe Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cak | Salina Kansas A Oeeermter /7 FIFTH AND MULBERRY HEATH'S COfoGueem BAKERY Bread Ci Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes March 7, 1946 Mr. Earl Heath | Be 262 South Pifth Street ee Salina, Kansas oa Dear Earls Thank you for your very good letter of March 2. I assure you that I appreciate your kind words and the sentie« ment contained in your letter. 2 am going into Kansas City today to meet with Hank Iba to settle the date of our playeoff, We think it will be in Kansas City, at least we hope so, Doubtless we will be seeing you in Kansas City if things develop as we are expecting them to» Thanks again for your kind words, Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, -POAsME Varsity Basketball Coach. EARG WE ATE So. epee < apil 7h wett dion” oe Oe AR a eed et Sa ee ae, ee ae ee 862 2 : : OA, ont 4 WMWrVnSotw » an Sede Beata F Qe’ , 7 Be: ue | 5 Ahk. | ped (hi siete y afd Log Bart Neat April 10, 1946 Mr. Earl Heath Heath's Holsum Bakery Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Heath: — | : if I am sorry for \the delay in answering your fine denser of January 23. As you said in that epistle, we did not intend to let Oklahoma have the championship, and it looks like we fulfilled cur intentions, Fans like you make winning a championship so much more pleasant than it ordinarily would bee Concerning Richard Evans, the Sacred Heart High School player in Salina, I have referred your letter to Wayne Replogle, ovr public relations man, who has, I think, by this time made the contact. I certainly hope that we can induce Richard into selecting Kansas University as hts college, Your statement concerning John Short being wallet fied at Colorado is definitely interesting, Other than . that let me make no further statement. * hanks again for your evntineed loyalty and interest in Kansas athletics, Hoping to see you soon in the future, I am Sincerely yours, . Director of Physical Education, PCAsNF Varsity Basketball Coach. Pat i ob PAN UD os eR EES EER co hho es ane epi ea ap eine i See es Cae ues Nien ce ery st Sern he SARS (Sree a Se ivy uke cages ees teg ee eR HEATH'S OfoGucmn BAKERY Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes Salina Kansas 23/9Ty | KO. pvrrs2erk c Ah, ae of ci thin ee. /Yautes, | atic x, 4. Puekord Smeg), A Gente, —o-0-L2 Al rp de Anette teve Hoteteg 2%%-A2AGaAG SY ene, Yoo 34 pointe FIFTH AND MULBERRY PHONE 2730).7 3 HEATH'S Of~Guemm BAKERY Salina Kansas tame os a Be ew Le a Let f pel th the Hn tom Pre otditioy a fe oe Ae Abarne , ad Ap fae abi. along be Arie , oe oe re F.C, GA. Ler 04 , SF ecard si i i a a Nt i i aes See wit ie Se oe A , May 3, 1946 Mr. Earl Heath Heath's Holsum Rakery Salina, Kansas Dear Mr. Heaths It seems thet I once again am way behind in my correspondence, TY hope that you will excuse this delay in writing yous Thanks very much for your congratulations. ‘ You are : very kind to say such nice things regardless of the outcomes of our basketball games. I certainly do appreciate your wonderful attitude towards Kansas basketball and I will most assuredly let you know if there is anything that £ feel you can help us } ime I have been very busy lately traveling around making © the usual number of speeches here and there. I hope that in the near future I shall be in the vicinity of Salina so that we may have a _ visit. Thank you for your information on the basketball players. We are biel, on them. . vo Sincerely yours, ; Director of Physical Education, ‘FCAs)/F : Varsity Basketball Coach. Galleys of type could be filled with the praise which was heaped upon Rich Evans, Sacred Heart ¥ \ captain, last week. After watching =} “Mr. Points” ft ke in 58 in two ses- sions—a total which grew to 99 by the énd of the fourth session, Clar- ence Rupp of the Abilene Reflect- or-Chronicle wrote, “x x K a very scintillating player x x x Evans doesn’t follow the trend. of pres- ent day-cage stars, in that he is of only average height and weight. But he is a fine floor man, fast and agile. His ability to score cannot be questioned and his pass- ing sets up nearly as many points as he himself contributes. | Topeka may have the ‘big’ names of Kansas basketball, but we ‘| doubt seriously that Class AA pa- trons have seen a better player”. ELT aN ey aa eae ee Sgt LS oie. OSL AS SEES SEAT OE Gay HEATH'S OfeyGuemn BAKERY Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes Salina Kansas : oth ae Aba — : i Rae ee a a ae HEATH'S CfeGueon BAKERY Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes Salina Kansas April 9, 1946 Mr, Ce Ae Hardy Hugoton, Kansas “ Dear Mr. Hardy: ° Your letter of January 11 has remained unanswered for a considerable length of time. I am sure.that you can understand the reasons Now that basketball season is over and I have a little time to write I wish to inform you that I did appreciate your letter and to know that your son, Don, is interested in coming to Kansas University next fall. — Since you mentioned the fact that he would probably make a decision as to where he would go to school sometime in May, I thought it about time tow ite and give you the information that you desired concerning the approximate cost per month here at KeU. 0 course, you understand that anywhere you attend school the cost depends entirely upon the individual and his desires and activities, However, based upon the average student here at present I would say that the minimum cost per month, as far as living expenses is concerned, would , be approximately $40.00. The tuition and the school expenses for a state student runs at about $50.00 a semester. Should the boy want to join a fraternity and live in otherwise higher circumstances, the cost would naturally exceed that which I have quoted, I hope that this gives you a fairly good idea of what to expect in the way of expenses should Don decide to come to the university next fall, It is possible, and probable that he can get. help in the way of a job to alleviate this expense for as long as he desires. At present there are more jobs than there are — to Hoping that Don may be able to come up and look over the tampus re before he makes up his mind during the next two months, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: MF -- Vargity Basketball Coach. tk. kee Mane wsaech. like £4 6 £4. fh 1 pen om fetpl y Bahl. IU March 20, 1946 | . Mre Be Ke Hunt 1802 .East 47th Terrace Kansas City 4, Missouri Dear Billy: I would be delighted to have you here at the University of Kansas. The university has set up a priority system effective this fall and it is as follows: Kansas veterans Kansas high school and junior eollege graduates Children of K.Ue alumni Students who attended the school under the various military progrems and who wish to return to the university upon release from military service ‘Residents of neAghboring border cities, such as Keneas Citys Ste Joseph, and Bartlesville, Oklahoma All groups except the veterans will be subject to a preference system hing ing on the receipt by the university of an application by June l. This priority plan will not affect former students. A I would like to talk with you sometime in oka near future _ to see {tiftere is not some way: for you to enroll at the University of Kansas, although the university is taking residents of their state first. I thought perhaps you might be acquainted with some splendid alumus from the University of Kansas who is living in Kansas City, Missouri. I am sure that we can help you and I want you to know we would — havihe you here. Jd Are you working? If you are nai would it be possible sometime for you to @ropdwn here and have a visit with us? If you are working, I could arrange sometime to see you when I am in Kansas 7s Assuring you of our pleasure in having you decise upon the University of Kansas, I am Sincerely, : oe Director of Physical Education, FCA: MF | Varsity Basketball Coache Mareh 18, 1946 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrenee, Kansas Dear Sir: I have recently been discharged from the Navy and my present plans are to attend college. I am writing you hecause of my interest in sports, especially basketball. I have four years of high school and théee years amateur aen6et sade and I would like to enter a school where that sport is popular. I am twenty years old, six feet-four inches tall, and could get a good recommendation from my former coach. I would like to take advantage of the G. I. Bill of Rights to pay my tuition. Would you please inform me about its recognition in your school and whether you are filled to capacity for the fall term. A reply would be greatly appreciated, | sineerely Gill, A Hn B. K. Hunt 1802 E. 47th St. Terrace Kansas City, 4, Missouri