td a Ze FIFTH AND MULBERRY ; HEATH'S OfoGQwm BAKERY Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes Salina Kansas September 19, 1945 Mr. Forrest CG, Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr, Allen: In the beginning, let me assure you that I don't aim to become a pest writing on the slightest "provocation", and since I know you are very busy this letter will-not call for a reply. I want to explain and sort of apologize for not delivering your letter to Gene Anderson, I already had his definite assurance that he was going to K.U. and more particularily and more important, I think, his father's word that he was going there, I have seen Gene on the street two times since I received your letter, but I did not have the letter with me, I had had these talks with them before I received your letter, Then again, with reference to his having been contacted by Frosty Cox, if Gene tells. you that he passed up other opportunities to come to K.U. then you will get it "straight." Otherwise, as circumstances and problems arise, and they usually do, they might be handled: easier if you "just don't know" anything about any such propositions having been "dangled" before him and are able to assume that he chose K.U. of his own free will and strictly on its merit, In his case, so far, I think he is coming to K.U. pretty much "Sold" on K.U. and what it ean and will do for him, I pointed out to both Gene and his father how K.U. and basketball had served as a stepping stone to good jobs after graduation and the very small percentage of "athletic tramps" ever to result or be identified with your teams, Gene Johnson, former coach, had talked to Gene's father about the Southern Conference, Tennessee, Kentucky ete. Gene Johnson has left us. I understand he is state agent for a life insurance company in Indiana, - Mr. Anderson told me Gene had earned and saved quite a sizeable amount of money this summer, This will be a big help and if he can get ‘situated well as to living quarters and possibly a little help in properly budgetting his expenses, things should work out nicely. Owen Hodgson, told me this morning Mr. Quigley called yesterday about Harry Garrison. I don't know anything about the boy personally. I do know that as a high school footba 1 player he was big, rough and tough. I understand he is going to Lawrence today. I would like to see him enroll, He has size and age, having been out of high school two years. Mr. Hodgson mentioned Leslie Marlin, who seems to be a "pal" as of the present of Gene Anderson... It sems Marlin has possibly contacted Mr. Quigley. : : i 5 as ae : +: eae 4 “4 ie a na ice.