FIFTH AND MULBERRY PHONE 1130 HEATH'S OfMG@ueem BAKERY Bakers of Holsum Bread and Cakes Salina Kansas monn No doubt Mr. Hodgson advised "Quig" fully about him. I very definitely would not want to do any boy an injustice and there is always the chance that he will change. In this case, unless he does take school more seriously than in the past, he would not be a very good "influence" on Gene if they were together a great deal, Kansas State took a heavy "toll" of the better Salina High athletes. Dick Noyce, a big boy, tackle here, but listed as a possible end at K State, 6 feet 4 inches probably 190 pounds, Fred Myers a good guard (football) about 175 lbs, Jack Lippoldt football and basketball, first team in both sports. Suffered an accident last summer which kept him out of football and slowed him down in basketball and Everett Nicol, a tall 6 feet 4ior 5 inchagf boy left handed, showed well at times and was always within the first seven boys on our basketball team. Nicol told me was going to K.U., but have heard since he was going to K, State, My daughter, Helen, left yesterday for K.U. She was not too well and was nervous. She is of a nervous type. I hope she gets along 0.K. She has always been a good student. In fact, her thigh school record was such that I don't know what her reaction will be if she does not get away to a good start, If rush week does not turn out alright we might avail ourselves of your offer of assistance at some future time, Thanking you, and with very good wishes, I am Fs ad yours, EARL HEATH r ar 4 H:BG Ee]