| Octobér 6, 1945 Mr. Earl Heath 252 South Fifth Street Salina, Kansas Dear Mrs Heath: I em so happy that you are better. You certainly have had a tough seige. I want you to feel. perfectly free to write or comaunicate with me at any time it is convenient for you. lioward Engleman has not shown up as vet. Perhaps the hospital will not release him until he is in better shape. lfowever, we have another term opening November 1 and it maybe that he will enroll ah that time. I am glad that you told me about his wife's connections. I know her very well and when she does arrive I will certainly keep that in mind. My daughter is a Kappa. She lives in Lansdowne, Pennsylavania, and since she has been out of sdhool here quite sometime I do not bel*teve that she kniows many of the present members. But I do, and will do everything that I oan for you and for Helen. With all good wishes. I am, Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: lin