Galleys of type could be filled with the praise which was heaped upon Rich Evans, Sacred Heart ¥ \ captain, last week. After watching =} “Mr. Points” ft ke in 58 in two ses- sions—a total which grew to 99 by the énd of the fourth session, Clar- ence Rupp of the Abilene Reflect- or-Chronicle wrote, “x x K a very scintillating player x x x Evans doesn’t follow the trend. of pres- ent day-cage stars, in that he is of only average height and weight. But he is a fine floor man, fast and agile. His ability to score cannot be questioned and his pass- ing sets up nearly as many points as he himself contributes. | Topeka may have the ‘big’ names of Kansas basketball, but we ‘| doubt seriously that Class AA pa- trons have seen a better player”.