September 5, 1944. Mr. Bijl Huggins, 709 West 6th St., Coffeyville, Kansas. Dear Bill: I have been in Iewa and over at Topeka at coaching = ° I want you to know that I was happy to imew you enjoy the Rebounds. T am glad to knew that Teady is in England and is getting along splendidly; otherwise you would have told me. Kansas prespects are for a fair team, but I de net think we will win the Big Six because our staff are spending most of their energies on doing things trying, to win the war, rather than te have a Big Six championship in wartime. Of course the boys and the coaches will do as well as they possibly can, but they are not eut over the country hunting athletes when we are needing fighters and fighter- helpers first. Thank you fer sending the stamps for the Rebounds. We will keep them coming to you as wo write them. I am now getting ready to work on Number 11. It will have all the football depe there regarding the team. In this way you should be able te follow the team a little more intimately rather than in reading the papers. Ceaches Shenk and Schaake and Dean Nesmith, trainer, are developing a fighting team and will get the most out of them according to their abilities. Please give your dad and mother my kindest regards, and when you write Toady tell him we are all pulling for him. With all good _ Wishes, and trusting that you are feeling some better, I am Very sincerely yours, ; Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. - g/scr A G HULTEEN oe ee s7277031 ARMY MAIL CLERK APO 495, c/o PM, NY. NY: SMALL 7 huley cg wo ay we / la 3 ewe ee. - Nedacsced, peice ease v4 (AZZ ALKYL ata. sap / - ‘ fe ui Z Katt Es ms (_A cele AxktC LOK one AD tbe soe \ ue ae why, od CLA . the 4 — a eo eae at oe a oe wurttis Chern Ht wile Ke AA/-14 ZA. sl ON 4A Afi? eo 2 £ Lb ks on ie on oS ai ft a “hed mec he Af Dit hci ofc é. i a ie Lend fod fre af Andale. od Meet hn tig: hayes ; ot rent pone ae ou ae ae so Ea di dry Yor analy . i ) : . ¥ e bien ae ee alas | Ub vraag Las o/ oo Gad el) el hiks are ae : l Satatte,. 0 Dee! dle bee. (ewli an ne Hac but Bx! ao cre ww Q Bat Leh J aay gugd tc our ¢ Laas) Phe yfiee4 fo oe eds / he é sheane. Ee 6 Qud Lf Bo) Lig QAM wo Vee) AML ae tant ae ce ee? Mobs 2 i A i, Lots lao, CH44- Kae Cx if ete i —< (=< eh Fo ee ha ae ie ae ae ees GY el hire, os CO dig 2 e ae AMAA a eo 2d, pies J : Cie ah A a “te ¢, 2 as) Xhece ahd AAdh. G ae cutYar al! Acer L saad a oy fal i bead Ube Cilia yal, CL eo the pies Taide ie Gg Qr1tme; 6 Oe hak) foes) -Lko Van. Lleeg ae ea) Le ee ee Ce voce Creche, oe ee ae Dee SOC the Aho Yyoare! ald ow, Wa) ays He eh ee ee carte) IPOS fa Lie Ktabeince ie fest FAA hs Laktats. / “Z Se \ \ } | i THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH SALINA, KANSAS &* MINISTERS: ROBERT A. HUNT EVERETT R. MITCHELL SEERETARY: MRS. CLARENCE SIEVERS September 12, 1944 Dr. Forrest Allen, Lawrence, Sansas My dear wes Allen: - pai? oe a and Mrs Hd Price spent an hour with us and in the conversation Hd said that it had been re- ported that T.P.Hunter had been killed. If this is true I would like to have the name and address of his mother so + might write to her. I was very much impressed with T.P when he was in school. He was a fine character. We spent three or four days with Sobert recently. Hie was at his wife's home for five days on his way to the Pacific. I was afraid he might be sent out without seeing his baby but he had five wonderful days with him. We do not know where he is now and will perhaps not hear for awhile. We hope for the best. Some time ago yow sent me a copy of your bulletin and said if + desired you would put me on your mailing list. I think 1 replied that 1 would like to have it but it has never come. Send it to me- i like to keep up with the boys. I understand that Mrs. Allen is teaching in the Church Schoola t Hawrence. Fine! She was busy rearing her family when Iwas there or I would have put more pressure on her to be more active. Iam glad her talents are being used. Lt. Richard Good and Pfc Tom O&Donnell both spent a Sunday with me recently. they were boys who lived with us in “awrence and went to K.U. B est wishes, B est wishes to Quigley- I ha ve met him numbers of times but he will not remember me. I used to watch him umpire in the National “eague more than 30 years agoe en September 16, 1944.° Mr. Le P. Hamilton, 111 Sutter, San Frencisoo 4, Calif. Dear FP ete: I am enclosing herewith the return ticket on the Southern Pacific. The blank check you gave me, which I filled in, was for $84.16. The fare was $73.18 and the tax $10.98, making the total above mentioned. T am sure that you and Lee hed a fine time in Chicago and on your trip home. We certainly enjoyed having you here and we trust that you can come again at some early date. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduoation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. : September 14, 1944. Capt. Robert B. Harris, Physical Training Officer, Stout Field, Indianapolis 6, Indiana, Dear Captain Harris: I have your inquiry regarding my text, "Better Basketball", I happen to have a few copies on hand, and if you should desire an autographed cepy I will be glad to send it to you. The price of the book is $4.00. The postage amounts to 10¢, and upon receipt of your check or money order for $4.10 I will be happy to mail the book to youe The c.o.d. charge would amount to more than this. Very sincerely yours, Directer of Physical Fducation, FCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coach. BASE ATHLETIC OFFICER STOUT FIELD, INDIANAPOLIS, 6 INDIANA Mr. "Phog" Allen Athletic Director University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Will you have your publishing house send me a copy of your latest book on basketball? Have them send a bill or send COD. ROBERT B, HARRIS Physical Training Officer Captain, AC September 4, 1944. Mr. Harry W. Hughes, Director of Physical Education, Colorado State College, Fort Collins, Colorado. Dear Harrys We have several young men of promise who are in the war at the present time, but doubtless will be looking for places when the fuss is over. Vie have Ralph Miller who is highly capable of coaching Both football and basketball. He is in the Army Air Force now, but I believe expects to follow the coaching game when he gets through. Henry ?rnka of Tulsa and other coaches have asked about him. I have another young man who is not a graduate of the University but who took his Master's degree here =~ A. M. "Murray" Brown. He is in the Navy, but I think he is a highly capable chap and he has played both football and basketball and was a star in both. He is clean as a hound's tooth, has a fine wife and would be a credit to your staff. I think Binns of Dodge City Junior College is a fine man. I believe he has had quite a bit of success. If I can help you further please command me. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Aug ust 29 ; 1944 Dr. F. G. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": When this war is over we are going to need a mean who can coach basketball. As you know Colorado University, Wyoming University, Utah University, Bingham Young University, and Utah State place a lot of emphasis on basketball. Our institution is small and we cannot take a big time high salaried coach but there must be some good men who have not had the breaks and are still coaching in a small college or junior college. We also need a man who can aid with football en” can coach ends or the line (This mightibe a tough com- bination). If you know of such a men, I shall be pleased to hear about him. Mr. Binns of Dodge City Junior College has been mentioned. Thanks for any trouble I may cause you. Sincerely yours | Director Physcial/ Education OD 0, ch cbor-one, ng f Uvlaas, We wned Yuuptatl. AO