My Che Hirst Methodist Church ore 9/22/44 MEMO TO Dr. F.C.Allen Dr, Allen:- Thanks for the AaB onnas" you sent. That was a well deserved tribute you paid to T.P. Hunter. He was much beloved, Our Bobbie is on the Sea, we do not know where. At present his address is care of the Fleet Post Office , San Francisco. When I hear where he is definit or what ship he is on will let you know. He got to spend fime days with his young son. It is tough for these boys to break away from their little families, but he went like a real hero, conscious of a mission to be performed, We are proud of him, and hope a protecting grace will overshadow him and enable him to return home to his family. It puts a real “hurt” in the heart when these laddies go. ee Best regards, wv Minister