y9 BT: g r {72 oF Ztw/ i xt er a ys 23 OCTOBER 1944 / ff At" %, - 77 BOOM 2625, NAVY BUILDING, f 7 ‘ é / te | Lo (+ DC CANASHINGTON 25 D.C. OR DEAR DR, ALLEN: =) | ~ p, 1) “p64 GALVESTON PLACE S.Woy WASH J 7 vA = AFTER TRAVELLING WAY OUT TO NEW GUINEA AND BACK, YOUR "REBOUNDS" FOR JULY, | BELIEVE, FINALLY CAUGHT UP WITH ME HERE IN WASHINGTON D.C, BUT 1T WAS NO ONE*S FAULT BUY MINE FOR MY COMPLETE FAIAWWRE TO NOTIFY YOU OF MY CHANGE OF ADDRESS. |! WAS JUST SO DAW-GONED HAPPY TO GET BACK TO " THE GREATEST PLACE IN THE WORLD" THAT | FORGOT ALL ABOUT IT. THEY FINALLY DECIDED |! HAD SEEN ENOUGH COUNTRY SO SHIPPED ME BACK TO BE A " CONSTTTUTION AVENUE COMMANDO" FOR AWHILE, BUT ONLY FOR AWHILE, FOR | AM ALREADY SCHEDUL “ED FOR SHIPPING BACK OUT IN JAN, YOU CAN REST ASSURRED THOUGH, THAT 1! AM LAPPING UP EVERY SECOND OF MY DUTY iN THESE GRAND OLD UNITED STATES, AND FULLY APPRECIATING EVERYTHING THAT | HAD SPENT THE LAST TWO YEARS LONGING FOR. . DUTY HERE 1S QUITE A NOVELTY WHAT WITH WAVES ALL AROUND EVERY YOU LOOK. NO KICKS FROM THIS CORNER ABOUT THAT PHASE OF THE ASSIGNe MENT. : | HAVE BEEN ASSIGNED DUTY IN THE COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS AND HAVE AN INTERESTING JOBeoIF YOU LIKE COMMUNICATIONS. CERTAINLY NEVER A DULL MOMENT, HAVE RUN INTO QUITE A NUMBER OF FORMER JAYHAWKERS INCLUDING ENSIGN PAUL MACCASKILL AND 1ST LIEUT JOHN MILTON PHILLIPS, OF MT. OREAD POLITICAL AND PUBLIC SPEAKING FAME, IF YOU KNOW OF ANY OTHERS AROUND THIS NECK OF THE WOODS WOULD APPRECIATE HEARING ABOUT IT SQ PERHAPS WE CAN HAVE A GRAND OLD JAYHAWK REUNION ONE OF THESE DAYS. f INCIDENTALLY, SHORTLY AFTER RECEIPT OF THIS BY YOU, | HOPE TO HAVE ANOTHER ALL-AMERICAN FOR YOUR UNDEFEATED QUINTET OF 1964, MAY GET CROSSED UP AND CAN ONLY OFFER A FEMININE VOICE LOUDLY SUPPORTING FROM THE FIRST ROW...eBUT | WILL BE HAPPY EITHER WAY. a THE ENCLOSED CLIPPING APPEARED IN THE WASHINGTON POST THE ®DHER NIGHT AND | THOUGHT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN RECEIVING IT, ALSO READ IN THIS MORNING'S PAPER OF THE MIGHTY FINE 2-8 LICKING THE BOYS GAVE NEBRASKA, |S THERE ANY SCHOOL LEFT OR HAVE THEY TORN IT CLEAR DOWN IN CELEBRATION,...A MUCH BELATED CELEBRATION, GIVE THEM TWO LICKINGS IN BASKETBALL THIS WINTER AND IT WILL BE A 4,8 SEASON ALL AROUND, INCIDENTALLY, HAVE YOU SCHEDULED ANY GAMES FOR DECEMBER OR JANUARY BACK HERE CLOSE TO WASHINGTON? ARE YOU PLAYING IN NEW YORK, AND IF SO, WOULD YOU HAVE ANY EXTRA ROOM ON THE BENCH FOR A POOR OLD NAVAL OFFICER WHO 1S REALLY STARVED FOR A FAST 4% MINUTE SESSION / OF BASKETBALL PLAYED THE JAYHAWK WAY? \ | KNOW YOU CANT ANSWER ALL THESE QUESTIONS, BUT | SURE WOULD APPRECIATE JUST A NOTE ABOUT THE GAMES ...WRITE IT ON THE END OF YOUR NEXT "REBOUNDS" WHICH | AM ANXIOUSLY AWAITING. | FOR THE SAKE OF THE RECORDS, MIGHT CHANGE MY RANK FOR | RECEIVED A SMALL PROMOTION A WHILE BACK, BEST OF LUCK ON THE COMING SEASON, AS ALWAYS | WILL BE FOLLOWING YOUR RESULTS GAME FOR GAME. ji zi § - \ SINCERELY FRANK E HARWI JR /, 1 3 , LI, / Ay Aware Frrsao \ , wre LIEUTENANT USNR / Vor "pdr tan, en ¢ Big Gambling Menace To Collegiate Sport, Phog Allen Fears By. the Associated Press. : LAWRENCE, Kans., Oct. 21.—Dr. | Forrest’ ‘C. (Phog) . Allen;-- Kansas STORM CENTER — You're looking at Phog Allen,’ whose charge that gambling on col- legiate events is rampant has stirred sports circles. —A. P. Photo. \legiate football and basket ball University basket ball coach and critic, sees gamblers as the termites who are about to fell the castle of intercollegiate athletics, but denied today that he had said games-were thrown in Madison Squaf@ Garden. “T said there had been two known cases of college boys throwing bas- ket ball games in Eastern tourna- ments,” Phog explained when asked if he had received a telegram from Ned Irish, president of the Garden, asking for names of the offending players. . ; “I’m not striking at Ned Irish or any other promoter,” the loquacious doctor maintained. “The point I'm making is that these big time bet- ting boys gre going to get to basket ball* and tball players and ruin so-cailed amateur collegiate sports. College Sports Need Czar. | “Nothing Irish or any coach or promoter can do will stop the gam- blers. Only the college presidents can stop it by appointing an abso- lute czar such as baseball has in Judge Landis.” E Allen said that he held Irish in high esteem and that basket ball tournaments -held in the Garden: were run on the up and up. } “But gambling is rampant in the Garden and every other auditorium where tourneys are held,” Allen added, “If they aren’t there, why did a spectator run out and embrace a Utah player on the floor of Madi- son Square Garden last spring with the assertion that a goal the boy had scored saved the man $15,000?” Allen declared that gamblers had laid 10-point odds on Kentucky against Utah and the last-minute goal had reduced the margin to eight points. ee ; “That’s why the man was jubi- lant,” Phog related. Big Scandal Held Likely. _ The amount of money bet on éolé would “stagger the imagination” if the total were known, Phog said. “If big betting isn’t stamped ‘out, there’s going to be an awiul stink one of these fine days,” he asserted. “Eventually the shady dealers will bribe a college boy and it will make the rankest kind of a scandal.” In Salt Lake City, Vadal Peterson, University of Utah coach, refused to confirm or deny an assertion by Al- len that he had knocked down a gambler who asked “how much it would cost to have Dartmouth win over Utah” in the NCAA basket ball finals last spring. DO NOT ? , = | . 7 DO NOT WRITE HERE | - : | a WRITE HERE DR FORREST G ALLEN ROBINSON GYM UNIV OF KS LAWRENCE KANSAS FOLD HERE—————_-____ - eile gene Steen Rae ps Pee See ; ————— FOLD HERE e-EIst—Ol Od tt "(P2uisap st jIDW 41D ji D9 ‘JIU AIDUIPIO DE) $2jD1 DsS2WOP jo pipdaid aq jsnui 26pjsod ‘siayjo Aq juas U24yAA . $2210] Pauly 24yj JO sIoQuiow Aq 2Sp\sod jO 224 ju2s 2q Apw $1242] [ID-W-A (s)’ "J22YS DUO UDY) DOW JIM Of ISP NOA Jj! yUZs 2q IsNUI J2H12] [ID-W-A 2ibipdas D pup adojaaue SIyj Ul Pe>Djd aq jou 4ysnuI sainsojoUy (¥) "KOQ 1242] 4221s 40 doip 1242] 291jJ0-4s0d Aud ul jisodap pup “joes ‘pjo4 (€) ‘SS2IPPD |PADAJ 10 Ody puD “p2ysDHuD yoiym 04 j1uN ‘22SS2ZIPpD BY} JO Bulybs 10 UDI Spnjoul pynoys sod104 pouyy 24} jo SI2QuIaUI Of sassaipp\y "‘papiaoid sjaupd OM 2Uj Ul SS2IPPD PUD SUIDU 2UI I NY (3) DO NOT "S2UI] JDUIBIDW UIYIM apis 124yjO 244 UO AjuIDjd aBossaw aiyyua ayy 2M (}) DO NOT WRITE HERE WRITE HERE SNOILINAULSNI *2]QR]IDAD supow sNOWIpadxe sow 24) AQ UOJ jOUIBIIO sJ2yy Ul PIHIWSsUDIE 2q |jIM Pajoiedo jou $I juawidinb2 wyy-o11W 224M sjulod Woy 40 0} p2ssaippD 8 al "P2sdaljap u2aq spy UOHJINPOIda ay 42D PeAoysap 2q |j!M 2bOssow jOUJSWO ay; = “AJOAIJap pup uoljonpoidai 10] 2]QD]IDAD UolWDYOdSUDY sNol}ipedxe jysow 24; AQ 4uas pub aeppw aq jjIM 2bossaw ayy Jo 2aDHau D1ydosFojoyd ainyoiuiw p ‘pajpiedo $1 juowdinb2 wWyy-O1DIW 224M syUIOd Of Pa2SS2IPpD U2YAA ‘S2IDIS poailUs) jPyUDUIGUOD 2yJ SPIs}NO $2210) Pauyy INO Jo jauUOsIed WOly pUD Of |IDW iy612M 244 s22np24 puD YyrjDdsIp snolIpedx2 jsour 244 SOPIACId adIAI2S JIDW-A — ee — = “ a cpa ee ge - BY EXAMINED BY EXAMINE Print the complete address in plain block letters in the panel below, and your return address in the space provided. Use typewriter, dark ink, or pencil. Write plainly. Very small writing is not suitable. Frome aPT R A HAGGART, To >) MASTER, SS CLEVELAND ADDC e (Sender's name) DR F C ALLEN AMERICAN PRES LINES UN iV OF KS (Sender's address) NYC LAWRENCE KS : 47 OCT 44 (CENSOR'S STAMP) (Date) —— = DEAR DOC; LAURA SENT ME #41. IT WAS A MIGHTY GOOD ISSUE. | APPRECIATED THE GLORIOUS TRIBUTE YOU PAID TEEPEE. IT WAS BEAUTIFULLY DONE. ; | NOTE THAT FREDDY HARRIS 1S GUN CAPTAIN IN “A MERCHANT SHIP. I'D REALLY LOVE HAVING HIM IN MY SHIP FOR JUST ONE VOYAGE AT LEAST. CMY PRESENT GUNNERY OFFICER IS A MILER FROM IOWA UNIV. HE MADE THE KANSAS RELAYS TWICE AND KNOWS YOU AND YOUR RECORD AT K U....SPEAKING HIGHLY OF YOU AND THE KANSAS RELAYS. HE LIKES OUR HOSPITALITY. oe ke CHALMER WOODARD, AT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOOT- BALL DINNER, SAID SOMETHING | LIKED. | CAN'T QUOTE IT FROM THE NEWS ITEM, BUT IT WAS TO THE EFFECT THAT LAWRENCE HIGH WOULD HAVE THE BEST TEAM OF GOOD SPORTS IN THE LEAGUE. AS | LEAN BACK FURTHER IN MY SPECULATIVE EASY CHAIR EACH YEAR, THAT EFFORT OR RESULT DOES SEEM TO BE THE MORE INPOTANT MOTIVE. era en ° a mm r o = 3 ss i" a n 2 a A Bs Vs fs Zz ZA - 7, Y, Y o 3 Y, 4 % we Zo Y, i yy a7) iY Y Y Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, % Y, Y, 4, Y, WY y A 2 A e 4 /, Y, Y, 7 Y, i nl I EI ENO A ais " GIVE ALL THE ALLENS MY BEST. CORDIALLY, Gr haan U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING O RRR EEE ARAN November 21, 1944. Mr. David I. Hoyle, Coach of Basketball, Lee High School, Lee, Mass. Dear Mr. Hoyle: The basketball film which you ask about in your letter of November 2nd, is entitled “Basketball Fundamentals". It is a two reel film, made by the EKastman Kodak Company, as a part of their —— films division. The University of Kansas Extension Division has this film which may be rented at a fee of $2.00 plus — portation charges. If you are interested in renting it, I “a you write direotly to the Extension Division. I do not know of another film which is quite as good as this for teaching basketball fue tee to the _* Wishing you success in your coaching, Iam Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE HiGH SCHOOL JAMES I. BROWN, PRINCIPAL Lee, Massac husetts Wor. 2. 194, oo ot Fe Q AA creckingy an /730 L Vsekettel CAO ot ee et op porch your 7 | es gtiins ovine Th fad /3 goat, ath a flow 7 Tan Tare gene age Lo cree 0b me fob we Fee Make gow and gour agoed Cdl fe — [ J Mihel a greet dial. Aen lm Lh Aaae wegen : ines Wn Ep Ta pre aa one irene es SF ; ee : > ere eae ae oS November 18, 1944. Mr. Harwood, 910 Louisiana St., Lawrence, KENnsas. Dear Mire Harwood, : I was awfully sorry to learn of your injury. Remember, you have got to be your age, young fellow. And your injury calls to my attention the fact ae you might need your Christmas present ahead of time. You have been so wonderful in placing the paper out of the storm that I know it has been a lot of trouble to you. I want you to know that I appreciate your fidelity. Wishing you and your lovely family a merry Christmas and happiness to all of your sons in the service, and trusting for you and Mrs. Harwood that they will soon return, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Kducation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. Novenber 13, 1944. Mr. Albert Ee Haas, Garbide Building, 912 Baltimore, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Al: I will be very happy to be present at your football dinner and rally at the President Hotel on Wednesday evening, November 22. Sincerely yours, \ : 3 Director of Physical Education, | | FCA:Ad | Varsity Basketball Coach. | ALBERT E. HAAS President CLARENCE MCGUIRE Secretary WILFRED WANN Treasurer VICE PRESIDENTS CARL RICE, First Kansas City, Kans. CLINT KANAGA, Forst | Kansas City, Mo. CAL MORROW MARSHALL PARDEE Wwe. L. BUTLER GEORGE BOWLES DORMAN O’LEARY DIRECTORS MAYOR JOHN B. GAGE J. C. NICHOLS Dr. JOHN BILLINGSLY Dr. JOHN OUTLAND W. T. GRANT CHARLES B. SHAEFFER MAJOR T. J. STRICKLER HARLAND HUTCHINGS DONALD DAVIS THORNTON COOKE FRANK GOODNOW WESLEY LOOMIS, JR. MAURICE BREIDENTHAL WV. NVWALKAN= =. NIcK NOLAND LEWIS KEPLINGER HAROLD F, WARNER Dr. DON CARLOS PEETE FRANK THEIS FRANK TYLER Dix EDWARDS Roy K. DIETRICH CLAUDE COCHRAN FRANK TERRELL Dr. ALBERT LEMOINE WOMEN REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. HAL LEBRECHT Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. GEORGE H. GRAY Kansas City, Kans. a ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF GREATER KANSAS CITY November 10, 19h) Dr. Forest C. Allen, c/o University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: We are planning on quite a football Dinner and Rally at the President Hotel, Wednesday evening, November 22nd, and of course, we certainly are expecting you to attend. As a matter of fact, we have you down as one of the speakers of the evening. We are expecting the Governor, the Chancellor, as well as members of the Athletic Depa tment, and should have from one hundred fifty to two hundred Alumni. I wanted to write you in plenty of time so you could arrange to be here. With kindest personal regards, I am, Very truly yours, K. U. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of Greater Kansas City By ee. 7 med ‘aeh/g —~ President t CLASS OF SERVICE — of N \ ] E S | E R N = SYMBOLS —. is a lees DL=Day Letter _ elegram or Cable- SS am unless its de- at 1S § ) ee erred character is in- 1 } LC =Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- ceding the address. NLT =Cable Night Letter A. N. WILLIAMS PRESIDENT > Ship Radiogram ( The filing time shown in ‘the date line on télegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. . Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination Z KAZ137 13=DODGE CITY KANS 20 400P DR. FOREST “GALLEN ‘ATHLETIC DIR KANS UNIV fy Ga A OCT 29 PM 4 HAVENT FOUND A WAY DOWN SORRY WOULD LOVE TO B THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE October 25, 1944. K A }\ Fi t a is a = the diieier Chemical Company's oot powder boxes oo installed in our gymnasium and (oh — given complete satisfaction. I am asking Dr. ¢ Boughton, who gpa with us here at the University ‘oa ‘ mmber of” yours who is now chairman of Cramer's department, % Solwrite you eoneraing the bones te dp idk shld dee wheels bedetiation wnt 1 noe f Ai will be glad to render you any additional service that you may need. ; | I assure you I enjoyed my visit with you and the — splendid men a the Boone, Iowa, conference. f a With veoiprooal good wishes, I am Z ) I told you & wt iPS | Director of Physical Education, ' | Varsity Basketball Coach. Board —.. Casey Independent School HARRY BASSETT COLLIS SMITH EARLE, HALL, surerRINntTENDENT MILES VALENTINE J. M. BOSOLD, SECRETARY CASEY, IOWA s.T. LAWLER, TREASURER October 18, 1944 Doctor "Fog" Allen Director of Athletics Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Fog: WYNNETTE DAILEY ENGLISH & SCIENCE LUVAJEAN CLARK COMMERCIAL VELMA WARNER HOME ECONOMICS & SCIENCE WILMA SNYDER MATH. & MUSIC Some of your timely hints given to us this summer at the Iowa Coaching School, at Boone, Ia., have been working well for us this fall. We would like to re- ceive your! perscription for Athletic foot -as given to us at the Boone Y Camp at Boone. Enclosed you will find a self addressed envelop for your reply. Again we hope you success in this years work and that we may visit with you again this next summer. Please accept our appreciation and thanks for this information. Respectful Farl E. Hail, Supt. EEH :MCH WESTERN UNION Dodge City, Kansas : October 20, 1944. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. As yet haven't found a way down. Sorry. Would love to be there. Don Heiland. SOUTHWESTERN ART ASSOCIATION BEAGON BUILDING FOURTH AND BOULDER TELEPHONE 2-9295 Tusa 8, OKLAHOMA VICTOR GC. HURT PRESIDENT AND MANAGER Oct ober 17th, 1944 e Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: The Jayhawk Rebounds has been received and very much appreciated. It is good to locate the many boys whom we knew through the information in your paper. I should like very much to be placed on your permanent mailing list. Mrs. Hurt joins me in saying that it was indeed a pleasure to spend some time with Mrs. Allen and you. At any time you are down this way be sure and let us know. With best wishes to you and your fine family, I Sincere ly yours, —— VCH EG OFFICERS PRESIDENT: C. GERALD HESSE VICE PRESIDENT: SOLON G. AYERS SECRETARY: KARL KLOOZ TREASURER: JOHN W. BRAND SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: NORMAN S. EDMONDS BOARD OF DIRECTORS FORREST C. ALLEN Cc. ROGER ALLEN SOLON G, AYERS CORLETT J. COTTON Cc. GERALD HESSE CECIL T. HOUGH R. W. MCCLURE JOSEPH G. QUIGLEY ROTARY CLUB OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 13, 1944 Mr, Phog Allen K,U, Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "PHog": Governor Quigley has asked that I supply his with a bio- graphical sketch of Mr. F.C, "Phog" Allen, He would like to use that ih his coming monthly governor's letter, I wonder if you won't prepare this for me so that I can hand it to Quigley when he is here next Monday. CGH sr Rotarilly, @. aA Wises C.G. Hesse Print the complete eddress In plein block letters te the pene! below, ond your return eddress tn the specs Provided. Use typewriter, dork Ink, or pencil. Write plainly. Very smell writing ts no? selfable. eee ea 37227031 To DR. F.C. &L Lan 7 oe wate 4 UNIVERSITY OF Ketsas aray Me emcee —_ ae 7 f LAMP EICEs Kall Sas 3 q Zt th ft. A — APO #5 c/o Pl, WOW _ Sa ee Ss a a ea al ctob (CENSORS STAMP) Deer Docs Rebounds No,11 arrived lest night. as usuel,1 found it full of items thet interest me greetlp. Albderte wrote awe that you were at a loss for words to express your sorrow st the loss of T.P., and the diffi-= culties you encountered, mentBlly, in comiling this issue. We all feel @ sense of lose when we hear of the taking of someane we knew eng admired, shile I didn't heve the privilege of counting T.#. among my personel friends, I recognize a relationship-- He was one of aOYS. It is the lose of such @ splendid boy that brings home eo for itly the great good that can be derived from associations on the of athletic contests. To those men who devote their lives to training the minds and of our young men, our Country owes an enormous debt of gratitude. Pc is the things thet we learn from such men, thet fits us to carry so thet our children will also heve an opportunity to live in ou Country es we know it. & Country with opportwmity for each one who is willing to play the geme. Where better can @ young hope to Lea the feir way, than under the ve of we o heve chosen to devote your lives to the ‘ : value of some of the Lessons 2 aemaees oO the Doc, you mst be proud when you realize that strong en influen of us who count ou : Parbars Oacole Hae November 24th, 1944 Lient. and Mes. Foauk & Head, dr. TD&ean Mea Mma oh Loo ford te we ae | \_\bas ae Sa WN a Rend | 2S ane GS. Ges | about, ess on Od ote oo as Pat lel Le oe. To Ngee 6 po De SNe. ou acoN Ake G ey ee ee ee ter es Oetober 12, 1944. lire. Ge Pe Harvey, Box 113, Ashland, Kansas. Dear Mrs. Harvey: If you would send me a description of the gym equipment, and if you could place some idea of the value on each item, I would be glad to hear from you again. Let me know the size of the weights, length of bars, and so forth. ; Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. | Box 113 Ashland Kansas, 0ct.6,'44 Physical Director, ; Kansas University, Lawrence Kansas, Dear Sir,- g have qtite a collection of material for use in the Physical Sducation department of the School,which 4 would like to Sell. i thought you might be interested. The collection consists Of all kinds of weights bars etc. Please let me know if you are interested. Yours Very ‘truly Mrs .G.P.Harvey October 9, 1944, Mr. John Hail, érmstrong, Iowa. Dear Mr. Hall: Your letter and check of October 7th were received this morning, and I am sending you in today's mail, parcel post, an autographed copy of “Better Basketball". I trust you will receive much benefit from the text. Thanking you for your order, and with best wishes — for a successful season, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Sasketball Coach. Armstrong, Iowa October 7, 1944 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education Kansas Unniversity Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I thank you for the information contain- ed in your letter of October 3. Please send an autographed copy of the basketball book "Better Basketball" for which I have enclosed a check of $4.10. Your prompt shipment will be appreciated. Very sincerely yours, John Hall Armstrong, Iowa