OFFICERS PRESIDENT: C. GERALD HESSE VICE PRESIDENT: SOLON G. AYERS SECRETARY: KARL KLOOZ TREASURER: JOHN W. BRAND SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: NORMAN S. EDMONDS BOARD OF DIRECTORS FORREST C. ALLEN Cc. ROGER ALLEN SOLON G, AYERS CORLETT J. COTTON Cc. GERALD HESSE CECIL T. HOUGH R. W. MCCLURE JOSEPH G. QUIGLEY ROTARY CLUB OF LAWRENCE, KANSAS October 13, 1944 Mr, Phog Allen K,U, Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "PHog": Governor Quigley has asked that I supply his with a bio- graphical sketch of Mr. F.C, "Phog" Allen, He would like to use that ih his coming monthly governor's letter, I wonder if you won't prepare this for me so that I can hand it to Quigley when he is here next Monday. CGH sr Rotarilly, @. aA Wises C.G. Hesse