Print the complete eddress In plein block letters te the pene! below, ond your return eddress tn the specs Provided. Use typewriter, dork Ink, or pencil. Write plainly. Very smell writing ts no? selfable. eee ea 37227031 To DR. F.C. &L Lan 7 oe wate 4 UNIVERSITY OF Ketsas aray Me emcee —_ ae 7 f LAMP EICEs Kall Sas 3 q Zt th ft. A — APO #5 c/o Pl, WOW _ Sa ee Ss a a ea al ctob (CENSORS STAMP) Deer Docs Rebounds No,11 arrived lest night. as usuel,1 found it full of items thet interest me greetlp. Albderte wrote awe that you were at a loss for words to express your sorrow st the loss of T.P., and the diffi-= culties you encountered, mentBlly, in comiling this issue. We all feel @ sense of lose when we hear of the taking of someane we knew eng admired, shile I didn't heve the privilege of counting T.#. among my personel friends, I recognize a relationship-- He was one of aOYS. It is the lose of such @ splendid boy that brings home eo for itly the great good that can be derived from associations on the of athletic contests. To those men who devote their lives to training the minds and of our young men, our Country owes an enormous debt of gratitude. Pc is the things thet we learn from such men, thet fits us to carry so thet our children will also heve an opportunity to live in ou Country es we know it. & Country with opportwmity for each one who is willing to play the geme. Where better can @ young hope to Lea the feir way, than under the ve of we o heve chosen to devote your lives to the ‘ : value of some of the Lessons 2 aemaees oO the Doc, you mst be proud when you realize that strong en influen of us who count ou