HEADQUARTERS SELMAN FIELD MONROE, LOUISIANA 15 January 195 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Basketball University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: I thought you might be interested in hearing about one of your boys, Otto Schnellbacker. He has just left our field to enter Bombardier's School but while he was here he did a fine job as a soldier and as an athlete, He was the outstanding boy on our football team this year, His defensive end play and his pass catching ability was the best any of us have ever seen around here. He played the last five ball games we had and made the all~opponent team of each of the five clubs, In addition to that he made the first team of the all-sovthern service team, a real honor when one realizes how many service teams played football in the south last season, . Because of his duties, we had Schnellbacker just for our last four basketball games, He was the big factor in winning all four, averaging 22 points per game against pretty fair opposition. Now that he has gone, things will be rough. While he was here, I really looked like a good coach. This boy is a real credit to the University of Kansas and the coaching staff. He was well liked and was a credit to the service, the post, and Selmants athletic teams, We are sorry that he has left Selman Field. Sincerely yours, Lad J eu FRED G. HEINLEN Capt., Air Coros Asst. 0.I1.C. Phys. Trng.