March 13, 1945. Mr. fe W. Estos 9 The Mid-West Grain Company, 806 Rorabaugh-Wiley Company, Hutohingon, Kansas. Dear Mr. Estes: I regret exceedingly that I have previously accepted an invitation to speak ‘at the banquet of the Shawnee-Mission High School basketball team on March @, in Kansas City, Kansas. Nothing would give me more pleasure than to address your Rotary Club. They have me up as one of the candidates for governor of Distrint 7125, so it would be a delight to be with you. It would give me an added pleasure, of course, to meet the fing Hutchinson basketball team and their coach. We have our Rotaryanmn party on the evening of t 26th, and on the 27th Se ee in Kansas City at Casey Stengel coming-out party as the new manager of the Kansas City Blues, and on the 28th I am to be at Effingham, Kansas, at a banquet, and so it goes. On April 2 and 3 I have engagements, and on the 6th I speak at the Kansas City, Kansas, high school. Perhaps next year I might imow a little further in advance, as I assure you I would be navEY to visit Hutchinson and meot your fine a Thanking you, I am Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH ‘ Varsity Basketball Coach.