THE LEWISTON MORNING TRIBUNE Largest Circulation of cAny “Daily ‘Paper in Northern Jdaho Published by “Published Every Day in the Year TriBuNE PUBLISHING ComPANY ‘Printers C7’ “Publishers ee LEWISTON, IDAHO MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS TELEPHONES 15 - 16 Feb.1,1945 Dr.Forrest J.Allen, K.U,. basketball coach, University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Enclosed herewith are some clippings rrom the Spokane Chronicle I thought you would be interested in reading. IT have been out here since Dec.ll1, trying out on a job with this paper, but the grind is too severe, and I'm not going to stay.I may go back to Topeka for a while.I have not been quite settled since leaving the Topeka Journal, but eventually I'll fall into somethine Bhat suits me again.I have given them notice I wanted to leave them by Fet,18, or not later than Feb.25 at the latest. So I might be coming back to Kansas by that date, say around March 1. Mrs. Hobbs still is at our home in Topeka, and to keep from getting lorely with me gone she got some sort of a clerking job at Winter General a seems to enjoy it, but she misses having me come home evenings I am working. on some other newspaper jobs ,gncluding One or two in California.If you have no oS I would like to give you as reference on any sport jobs I apply for.You have watched my work for enough years you should be able to give a fair report on my work.1I'll be glad to hear whether this meéts your approval. Have been writing considerable sport here, including &@ column, which I called "Along the Sports Fwont", same one I used in Topeka. They have high schools here and in Slarkston, just across the Snake river in Washington, which I cover. sae they have North Idaho Teachers college here, but their sport is almost nil during the war.Moscow, seat of U.of Idaho, is just 50 miles north and WSC,Pullman, is only 35 miles.If I staid I suppose I would have a chance to see those schools in action when the war ends, but the paper is too old rashioned,does things pretty much the same way they did years ago.and the nours are 1é and 13 per day, which is too much for anyone.So I'll be leaving. I have not been able to get all the scores on the Big Six, so don't know what you and the others have been doing, but rest assured I'll be glad to hear any news about the region where I cut my sport-writing teeth, and where I feel I have lots of friends. If you keep hammering away, you eventually may get some results on the NCAA, Fhog. I don't know too much about that situation,but from what little I do know I always have felt you had a rather significant point. If you answer before Feb.18,1I1'11 still be here.after that I probably will be at 1511 Flass ave.,Topeka.