THE LEWISTON MORNING TRIBUNE Largest Circulation of cAny “Daily “Paper in Northern Jdaho Published by “Published Every “Day in the ear Tarsune Pusiuaen. Company _ ‘Printers C7 “Publishers Se LEWISTON, IDAHO scashaniee THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. TELEPHONES 15 - 16 I learn a new paper is to start in Spokane after the war, and I've been trying to get the sports editor job on that.But am afraid commitments have been made that may go against me.I still feel I want to stay in sports if I can get a good spot.I've given a good share of my life to it, and I still love it,probably always will.And I'll always remember the rriendships I made around KU and KS and Neb. and the other schools of the Big Six and state of Kansas. I always have felt my inherent desire to be honest in sport has hurt me in theeyes of some publishers who have their Sights on the dollar more than the honesty of the writing.I hope I'm wrong, but I feel that way. Please give the old master, Ernie Quigley my regards, also any of thaothers there who know me.And accept a generals supply of good wishes for yourself. I remain, Seees Carlos £.Hobbs ~ ‘ C/O Lewis-Jlark HOES peenemenrcornnmneei or , ldahos” CEH/p