FRANKLIN STEWART HARRIS, Presipent PRowvo, UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION, AND REGREATION January els 1945 Dr. F. C. Allen, Chairman Department of Physical Giscetiion. University of Kansas 107 Robinson Gymnasium Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens I am making a study of the physical educa- tion curriculum in connection with a doctorate study at New York University. I shall appreciate your cooperation in going through the enclosed questionnaire pertaining to a Tentative Teacher Training Curriculum for the Preparation of Teachers of Physical Education, I have in—. cluded only a limited number of schools in the study, and consequently I am anxious for a high percentage of returns. I shall be most grateful for your support in this study, You probably do not remember me, but I had the pleasure of attending one of your coaching schools held at the Agricultural College, aie Utah some years ago, ssor Physical Education Prof CJH/ym Enclosure