GBUESTIONNATRE Please fill in the following blanks first, NO. Name Title School Des City State A TENTATIVE TEACHER TRAINING CURRICULM FOR PREPARATION OF TEACHERS OF PHYSICAL EDUCLTION The following pages contain a tentative teachcor training curriculun for the preparation of prospective teachers of physical ecucation, The tentative curriculum is based upon a four-year undergracucte plan of study totaling ood one hundred twenty-eight semester hours leacin, to «4 bachelor degrec, The curriculum is presented in three groups of subjects, Group I deals with broad backzroun® subjeet matter which educates one for the common Lifes Group II embodies offerings in the field of education for professional life, Group III contains a list of course offerings for training in the specific area of physical education, ee ee Groups I and II are so devised that they fit into the core curriculum of any field of specialization offered by the institution, be it art, math- omatics, journalism, physical education or any other special interest, You are asked to do three things: First; check the tentative semester hours allotted cach subject and sroup of subjects, If you think the allotment should be increased, list the amount in the appropriate column, On the contrary, if you think the allotment too high anc shoulc be decreased, list the amount in the appropriate column, If you think a course shoule be clim- inated, so indicate it by crossing out, Second; you are asiecd to keep in mind the fact that the curriculum as drawn up equals 128 semester hours, (an average four-year teacher training course) if you add hours to any course you are asked to indicate from which course ov courses (or group of clectives you would deduct a corresponding number o1 hours, Thirds; you are asked to add any courses you believe should ve included in a teacher training curric- ulum for physical cducation which are not already included in the list. Note; In checking through the tentative curriculum it might be well to keep in mind that a five-year teacher training curriculum in physical educa- tion is a possibility, Already some two or throe states are requiring five- year teacher training curricula in physical ecucation, ae RNa ih a AO a sD ahs Y DNS)