VICTOR GC. HURT SOUTHWESTERN ART ASSOCIATION BEAGON BUILDING FOURTH AND BOULDER TELEPHONE 2-9295 Tusa 3, OKLAHOMA PRESIDENT AND MANAGER ; March 2 6th 3 194 5 6 Dr. Forrest C Allen, Director of Physical Education, . University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: Your letter with reference to the Magnetic Strategy Board was received and I appreciate your forwarding the copy from Mr. N. J. Dodson. The finish of the Big Six Basketball race was watched by the Hurts with much interest and it is needless to say that we were all pulling for the Jayhawkers in that last game. JI will say further that we were all satisfied that the team did everything and more than they were capable of doing and I am sure that Kansas did a great job in finishing within one game of the championship. You are certainly to be congratulated on another fine season of expert coaching. The Rebounder was received and I noticed that Milton is now in the Navy. There is no doubt in my mind but that he will give somebody plenty of hell if he gets a chance. With all good wishes end best regards to you and your family, I am Sincerely yours, Aa VCH sEG