April 27, 1945. Mr. Arthur PF. Hughes, The Sporting Goods Dealer, _ Ste Louis, pe Moe Dear Arts We had a strategy basketball board about 15 or 20 years ago. I felt that it did not go over big for basketball because the diagramaing of a play generally oalled for a set up first and then the play later. We sold a few, but nothing to justify the expense involved in manufacturing these boards. Then Vie Hurt had seks feoteal? teardy but Ide not believe they created any umecessary flurry. Frankly, I do not believe that they will ever be a big item so far as sales are concerned. They are novelties and the kida like to play with them, but I an not overly optimistic. : Vic Hurt is now president and manager of the South- western Art Association, Beacon Building, 4th and — Tulsa 3, ens if you want to write hin. | usta, if I ever get in St. Louis I certainly will say hello to you. And I sometimes do get to St. Louis. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, © PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.