: wolbc The whole experience was something never to be forgotten and today as I look back on those few hours in that village and write, it still is difficult for a Kan- sas reared boy to actually realize that he could possible be a part of such a story as this one. Ensign Robert Ee Hunt-U. S. N. R. The last trip I took before leaving the Ellice Group, we anchored about a mile from the native island-I formerly described-for the night. When the natives discov- ered us, they came out in their "Pow-pows" and took us to shore. I saw the Pastor (Samuel) again, drank cocoanut milk with them, ard stayed until about eleven o'clock in the evening and witnessed another of their "Seva-seva" dances. Then one of our crew rowed into the beach with our little rowboat and took us back to our craft. We could not bring our L. C. T. to the shore because the coral reefs are dangerous at low tide. : After the "Seva-seva" dance, which I have described in a former letter, the women's committee again presented us with necklaces. Now I have 8 or 10 necklaces, a head band and a grass mat, all of which I will send home. While I was on the island this time, I was sitting on a grass mat on the floor of the Pastor's home visiting with the family, when a bell rang. The Pastor said it was the hour of prayer. I was interested. The two older girls sang a hymn in their native tongue, the oldest boy read a Scripture lesson, and the Pastor prayed a pray- er I could not understand, but I could appreciate the fervency of it. He said the same thing was happening in every home on the Island. If these people so far away in the Pacific Ocean without so many privileges we have, can worship God and live in peace, why can't the whole world worship God and live in peace? There are many things I will explain after the war that I cannot tell now. Even in these back areas, I have had my thrills. It is not all dull. I have flown 7,000 miles over the Pacific Ocean; sometimes in very severe storms. Our trips on these L. C. T.'s take 12 to 14 hours and sometimes the seas are rough, se much so that we have to take refuge within the coral reefs, Now it is nice to be back in the land of real potatoes and meat and where the seas are calm. Ensign Robert E. Hunt-U. S. N. R.