August 10, 1945 Lt. EB. S&S. Hickey, USNR Facilities Officer 3 . Drill Hall | U. S. Naval Air Station - Ottumwa, Iowa Dear Eddie: I am auknewledging your letter of August 8 regard- ing a basketball game for next season. ' We are playing only a few games in addition to our Big Six schedule. During Christmas week Kansas State, Nebraska, Missouri and Kansas will play two double-headers in the Munici- pal Auditorium, Kansas City, and doubtless we will play Wash- burn and Rockhurst in home and home game in preparation for our conference games. Our boys will, of necessity, ie young. Therefore, we are not contemplating playing either Army or Navy teans whose personnel will be much older than our early teen-age boys. While we would like to accommodate you with a game, we do not believe that our men would be a match for your boys. And too, the absence from atheok under our Navy program is frowned upon. Give Everett Case my regards and wish him lots of luck for me. I will be seoing you upon your return to our country e : . ‘Sincerely, Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FCA: ef .. va eo