THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 400,006 MORNING AND EVENING 315,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE GO00,000 — 78 SUBSCRIBERS 916 North 6th Street Kansas City 12, Kansas July 21, 1945 Forrest 0. Allen Director Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Thanks for your fine letter. When we get this kind of word from our old and sincere friends, it makes us feel good. It takes experience to teach us what a great loss it is out of our life -- the loss of our Mother. We are very thankful that we reached home and spent a few days with her before her going and that it has been our great good fortune to have her for these many years. | Again permit us to express our appreciation for your friendly message. It is our friends that make these losses easier to take. Sincerely, Yh o us Veer Foo Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Haynes.