dune 29, 1945. “Memorandum to Professor Edwin M. Hopkins: Dear Professor Hopkins + ‘ When I was at the International Convention ef Rotary — in Chicago fram June 18 to 21, one of our very good District Governors from Dedham, Massachusetts, - Rev. Lyman V. Rutledge, asked thet I convey his kindest wishes te you. He said he will never forget the time when, after his father died when he was living in Oklahom, he dropped out of school from December to February. He vividly recalls your calling him in t the office and telling him that a choice for a Phi Beta Kappa key was mde between him, Rev. Rubledge, and another young man. And of course since Rev. Rutledge was out ef school for that time, the key had te go to the other young fellow. Rev. Rutledge said that compliment you paid him was better even than the receipt of a Phi Beta Kappa’key. He has always held the memory of your acquaintance in the fondest poss-~ ible way, and he asked that I convey his sincerest wishes to you. He is minister to First Church at Dedham, Massachusetts. \ He intended to get out this spring, but was thwarted in his pur- pose. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH | Varsity Basketball Coach. .