Ens. Marvin 0. Hodges, Aymed Guard, SS Ville D‘Anvers, ‘o/o Fleet Postoffice, San Franciseo, Calif. Dear Marvin: Tine Laer wet dc DAM tne skeen Senn bile dee ptettons: While I am head of the department, I have asked i. Nenfy Shenk, our varsity — football coach and a member of our department, to handle the graduate work so far as courses are concerned, Of cowse, this will be handled Fe ee ee See: ene ee es ae pee questions. We have checked with Miss con in the Extension Division, and they will send you a list of subjects they offer. ‘There are no courses offered at the graduate level, but it might be necessary for you to make up any deficiencies by correspondence. I would suggest that you write Dean E. B. Stouffer, of the Graduate eens and have your credits sent on to him and he can evaluate them. ‘I do net believe there any of the standard schools Sih sell aneat any oorrespondence work from other schools of the graduate level. The AS SO EN ES ee, nee in residence. I am enclosing a pamphlet of Physioal Education courses which will give you the specific requirements for a master’s degree. I am well eoquainted with you end your work, You made a fine record at Baker University. After the war is over and if you should wish to complete your thirty hours here for a master's degree, we will be very happy to consider your talents and I am sure that we can use you in a “ouptotty tat will’ be restprocel te you and to ws — The amount of pay will be evaluated according to your ability in the field that you would be used. Iwill be happy to hear from you from time to time as regards your ultimate decision. : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Réucation, Varsity Basketball Coach. |