Ure Re Wy Raugh, Athletic Departuent, Washburn College, ti Kens ase | I am sorry I missed you when you stopped by the office the other days. I hope you and Irs. Raugh have gotten nicely settled, and that you will enjoy your work et Washburn. ! There ia a young man who is @ freshman in the University this sumer, Bob Bayles, the son of Mr. ©, G, Bayles, Super- intendent of Buildings end Grounds, who wants a sumer job somewhere out weste He seid he would like to get in a hotel or camp of some sort. : | I em wondering if you would know of such a possibility for him at Troutdale~in«the-Pines. Sob is a fine, clean, highly cultured young men, yet not afraid of wrk. I am enclosing a data sheet on him so that you may know more ebout his qualifications. If you esn make any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate your writing me at your early con a With best wishes for your continued success, I an X Sincerely yours, Director of Pigetent Education, ony Basketball Coachs