To guare against tnistdket or aaa the gender of & message eho irae 1¢ repeated, that is, tel t the originating office for com wiieuonor gas rate is cha: ain addition. ‘ Uniess a : on ite fa be anny p st paid for as sue, in SComeidonat! the sender of the message an and Company a3 tollows: ak a : : f 1. “The Company shall shall yot be liable for mistakes rai tor non message received for transm: AST aOiOg 8 4 “rate beyond the sum of fve h dollars; nor for Tiletakes getarn tthe do rig ty eae ie every gtany of any message received for. transmissi6 Thessage rate beyond the sum at a 6 thousand dollars, unless specially specially valued; nor in any case for delays arising from unavoidable | nterruption, in the work z of ih a event the Com ny shall not be Hable: pA aol or mistakes: ‘or delays aes or cn oe celery or Hor the ion-Aelivery, 0 os an ny mesaage, whether : the negitg Bierwises thousand dollars, at which amo the mi er val ed ae a greater value is ia! in eee te byt the i ceadeh tnereok at the oy pea. mussage is ‘ed Tor: sitop a and an eed the =e atedetn = wale ds pal ee 6 messa: a 9 a} rH iS z ‘i “agreed to ae! paid, and an a8 ert i charge equal to one-tenth of one per cent of the hes Phlantion rexseed HVE tho oN ae Be The Company is hereby mmade the agent of the sender, without Cae hie to and this message over the lines of any other company when necessary to reach its deetination. r vise indicated ‘fn connection with the ts listing ¢ of individual Ineiies 2 in yb ed tariffs.of the Company; the amount, paid for the transmission of 4 domestic tele covers its dell owing iene of oo a o ps bitants where the Company hag an office which, as STO SOO b through & agency of 4 raliroad miles main or branch office of the Company: {n cities or towns of: a pany : f Oe eee the isloera eh te eerie ie cee tnren et ue agency of a rai aoa onnany within one milé of the selena #000 500 or ee ae which an office of the Company is located, one-half a fandingt of ‘ond the! Lae apis sarees uty eavor to arrange ee delive ag the t of theke bender: with the under ore that the aes er authorizes ado OF ee aitlonal lena ade iieeial charge tt st th collected from the.addresies. There will be no additional chargo for deliveries tn mad anya ne - in ‘which an office of the mapany is located. Gh to, thts Compe Conipany concerning messa: aes the same are accepted at one of its eastiee offices; and if 4 message is sent to siehofire by, one ; ¢ a No re oP OnE OA fp Let palo saemenie p acts £0 Me am the agent of the send Bees ; . The Compan: ikea pee be Hable for az or statutory penalties in the anole any qessage Gencnt aa nn kobreside mesa: ein Texaa whens the ella ins not. resen to the Sameer wethin ex a days after the messag: aig peas with oe Company for Sy ee ion, an a a the case of an intrastate m a essage in Texas the Company will not. 2% presen hopie te fe ube mages or statutory ae a ihe ytatig is not reseniatin writing to ime ¢ Company within ni petlon ys alter thes Cpuse of potion, tf a ifany, Shall Taye ncch teas vided, however, that neither oe ions shal apply to clainisYor damages’ or overcharges within the purview of Sect on 418 of the Commun! cations Act of 1934. ./ ots + Tt la agreed that in any a ae dud the Company, to tecover the folis for any message or messages so prompt and correct eumoietns and delivery oe shall be Poco, inthioot to rebuttal by competent evid cue ‘governing the transtisston of messages soooratng "io. tiiele’ claaute) am entimerated below, shall apply to memagod tu each af susb reweetiye classes tm addition. orego: 9. xe — of the Company ig muthorised to vary. say @ foregoing. see - CLASSES. OF. SERVICE | oe DOMESTIC SERVICES | TELEGRAMS . ca : oe OROINARIES "A full-rate expedited service. 2 Gh 5 eee 17 es : Ae 4 ee he standard sorvice at fl rates. (Pode sheaianen, consti of Setar rome enix, ie et Sfosen ie Sowa LF NR es a e ads Ak en ae Tenia pter eos Ear ae ano rene (DAY LETTERS fs DEFERREDS 4 ee. tiow than th tandsrd, tel m tates. Be MEHL. ARE ra anne ioe ae en eet eee oe ad j oe ae ; EReRU a ae seis Plain-language méscnzes. Subject to betne Heterred th tavor of fall-rate messages. ° oe xt in séotion ating test a A Darghhe Te Hag rap GUE ENS ae S es eee Si Overnight plain-language messages. T RS a N és: bce lpste ; ees URGENTS . fAcce pie UP to 2 A. M. ee daiweny BOL earlier: has co ‘following isorning ‘at rate a loxrer re the standard telegram or day letter rates.