ALL MESSAGES TAKEN BY THis COMPANY ARE SuBJECT TO ard Scainst mistaken or dels: . the sender of a oul repeats ene rate nand nt Broth in ad addition, ” cm ae Shee sender.of the Ses Company. as follows: = rate hed sum pany five shall not bo} preity ‘or sae 1 the tt tt ite aoa aes Ee. eat ee oo alued; nor in any “aerator agg Spelt not en beet the ie izente ofits 8 oF at He nana Joss, no the ooeee niess a one Tris, 3 Sete in writing by the sender t paid, NG, and 2 an additional charge equal to one-tenth of one per cent of the amount by which such a a ese oF see estas the —— it exceeding sum, 0: eamtaeageseprianite at the time the messaze ig fret coe for Sanarieann, and niess stipe reposted inessage kate is paid or 3 THE FOLLOWING. TERMS: a Shih mon amenbne tree Sete € message received for transmi on ; jo interrapiie received for tra terruption in the WOES or Gelivery, ee for the nonedielive , of an hich amount-th ah f any mesons. for delays arising from unavoldabie exceed five thousand dollars. i. ee Company is hereby made the agent of the: sender, without liability, to forward this message over sont of any other company when necessary to reach its destination. mies indlosted Jn its samt ala thin % will endeavor as the ay such SnditionAl onare ¢ iF i i no Sollect which an office of the connection with the thevoll of inatvidual aces sin ithe filed ee the Com ven) pane: cpaid lowing | limita: r towns of or more where agency of a rallroad company, within two miles of an ¥ Open oper: ae ed the. telegraph servi i olen ii whieh a oe sSaePaNs aera Tocated. t paid aa ed eee ofa eres telegram main or branc! aa tires aN the agency of a rai nie one-half mnfle of ot Ua. Dare ot office, Beyond oe t of the sender, with the un from the the sen addressee. There will be-no Edditional oh Ge i bas me ws anata cerca and ita mess i cent to euch oftee by ane of the = con seein a tes Oman con the agent of the sender will not beliable for aaa or statutory is Hist Company Freie aan Sth after the messages is fled with the Company for't: is not presented in writing to the of these oont stummenal ts aely to Faas for damages orovercharges wi Ities in ths alae tan tan pena! y message 6 excep mpany within thin ninot trastate mi message a Texas wee the clgim as not ales in wetting ‘in and in the cape ott an intrastate era in Texas the Company will not be liable for somes y-five days after the cause of action, if shall haveavorued: frovided. however, that n the purview of Section 415 of the Communications ‘Act of 1034. that in pe oo De, the canary, te Tenover the ies: for any message or messages ere and correct transmission and delivery thereof shal! be presumed, 7 It subject to aqeal by competent evid to all the foreg _- 9° No coun ato the cere is authorised to vary the SE ONE 10-42 i 8: foie terms poverning the transmission ot Tidedagee according to nee classes, as enumerated beiow, shall apply te messages in each ‘of such respective classes fn ‘addicion. CLASSES OF SERVICE \ DOMESTIC SERVICES. TELEGRAMS | : ° DAY LETTERS ; “3A defetred service at lower than the standard telegram fates. . SERIALS) its Oe Messages sent in sections during the same e day. NIGHT LETTERS — "fom to 2A. M. for aaltiery. not dectie ak the Tacemne: eine at rates ower Sigg the wernee “telegram or day latter rates: S _ CABLE SERVICES. ORDINARIES ; ‘The standard service, at full mais. Code Shommaes, Rpnsising, of S-tetter groups only, at & lower Fate. - ‘ DEFERREDS Ee eae Plnin-language messages, subject to helng deterred In favor of full-rate messages. - WIGHT LETTERS Overnight plain-lanmisge messages. : URGENTS _ Besse shee ica sae spa SOPH HLE RS CER UE DNS SORAatuco a adorn Sasuhya dense temalites Measages Gis ee, over glbether meassace sKcent Serer vet eames 7%