si scl me the originatin office for To gnattl seainst mistakes Or delays, the sender of 9 1 id for aa suc .in considera ginépeatod message rate is ch: Sin addition. Unless other E ‘ i Ainrepes the sender of the message an and Company as follows: Sea) oe : mere ie es UR 1. The y shall te Hable for snipiakes or @ & r ne n-dett ofany ived for t ie rate beyond he Company five. hun dollars: nor for bas er dn "Seen every, lelivery. of ay aes ace message rate beyond sae sum ot ive thousand dollars, ual sa specially v valued; ner in any case for delay arising from unavois voldabie loterruption, in the work any stent te Company, shall not be liable for ; Gamnaes for mistakes er delays in the tranemaiecion or Gelivery, a forthe Bonsdolivery, of the noggente oy valued eas ie S He orotherwise erviee, Dovond the actual in rite mabe the sencer there tt the et othe m in ets fortes heh Sane rants th the: ed, unles ri im r an repea son ayaae oa eet cela {Roan we - agreed to be paid, and an addit: onal charge equal to one-tenth of one per cent of Ages Orns. The eee g ig pea jade the oe of the sender, without lability, to forward ae message over the lines of any other company se tiecessary to el its destination. ; a mnection with the ae 4 wring ates laces in the filed ae 3 the Company, the amount paid for the transmission of a domestic tolbetam within the f : in ett aes or towne rnpots ee eee a tants where the Company has an pics ah as sno yee ‘thin two miles of an F branch office of the Compatty “Or fOWnE OF od ed throught vie pec TPE railroad co: ny, wth fa one Sinite of ve aeerape cites le oe r to prauee ir Bs vi vine t of the vs ean we ihe tel raph, ofc. ge Bayon a the foe re qailection ot ee wekttions v, ae vO ery ad the agent o} ony fr he unde! at the sender authoriz : ae ee reeges from the addresses. T! There will be be no additional charge for deliveries ma Bee gaan ld Sich an sr once of the CoanG is loca’ ss Uae Bu SRE pega concerning a cot the same are nena atone of its tranamitting ee and ite message 1s sent to to suqh.ofice by one a a enke purpose a8 the agent of the sender, - a LEE AE TOE The Compan os for or statuto: pene’: + the ease of a case ofa an mesta e elveit | an ingwiite message in. Texas where ue alata iss not presented in writin to the Company cn sixty days gfter the message fled with tine Compan ay 0 oa case of an intrastate message in Texas the Company will not oF liabie for anmages or statu ties ane thea asin is not presented in writing to the Company with witianin net? a aaye after the cause of action, nn any Shall SR ees that neit! Se Shall apply to Claims for damages or overcharges within the of n 415 of the ne a Of 1984. t is agreed that in any action by: th : Ws to, Tecover the pentirds for’ aint to rebuttal by COB URIERE © on : to att ha foregoing tems spect PR ie DOMESTIC. SERVICES TELEGRAMS ASN Sate Ge pedt cd Wt 8s: DAY LETTERS : ‘ A = ‘service at lower then the standard telegram rates. - SERIALS. “Messages sche in sections during the same day. | NIGHT. : So Ab aca use Accepted a to 2 A. M. for delivery not ear. thea. the following” moming at tates Ae wer Drei the standard telegram or day letter rater. substan tiall CABLE SECS leah a) ORDINARIES . BE ee uke care ner vices at my Faces ORS omer: ‘phan staid or ee one only, _DEFERREDS ; j 4 : : — mesdnaes, ‘snbieat tr being natant tn tavor oP Tiras thessages.“ “NIGHT LETTERS. Overnight platn-language thelenaeia. _URGENTS