May 4, 1944. Mre ¥. C. Hurt, President, Philbrook Art Center, 2727 South Rockford Road, Tulsa 5, Oklahoma. Dear Vic: It was wery generous of you and Mrs. Hurt to ask the Allens to visit you in Tulsa. IT am not sure whother Mrs. Allen will be in these parts at that time or not because her children are scattered all over the country and she gets pretty lonesome for theme ; Bobby is graduating at the University of Pennsylvania in early September and since Eleanor lives just twenty miles from Phila- Gelphia, I wouldn't be a bit surprised to see her take a trip back cast. However, I want you to know that we appreciate it, and if and when we are in Tulsa we will not forget the pleasure of saying hello to you and your fine family. With all good wishes, I an ‘Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH ‘Varsity Basketball Coach.