April 21, 1944. My. and Mra. BF. T. Hansen, 7$10 Olive, Kansas City 5, Missouri. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hansen: It was good to see Mr. Hansen at the banquet and to imow that he still retains his exceptional interest in youth. The fast that he asked to take a boy along as a son shows that he is vitally interested even though he could not have either Edward or Stan there. I aa sending you a Jayhawk Rebounds and am also putting Stan and Edward on the mailing list along with the Hansen I trust that you both are in the best of health, and I sincerely hope that the breaks will come to Edward and Sten so they will both be returned safe and sound after this holosaust is over. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Eduesation, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.