Be Ce -2- Suggestive Topics for Study: (Committee will think of other topics) le In Public School Health Field: (a) (b) (c) (a) (e) (f) The underlying principles relative to administration, educational procedures, and cooperative relationships The specific objectives sought in terms of the pupils! habiteformations, attitudes, behavior, and knowledge The provision and maintenance of a healthful, school en- vironment, both under urban and under rural conditions (water supply, sanitary drinking facilities, toilet facil- ities, waste disposal, lunch facilities, heating, lighting, cloakrooms, etc.) The whole question of school health services, as such (by health examinations, follow-up,health records, communicable disease control, safety, first aid, provision for the hand- icapped child) The routine health procedures in the classroom, and the organization of the school day in the interest of the mental and physical health of the pupil (seacher-pupil relations, home -ork assignments, examinations, discipline, sequence of subjects, length of class periods, weighing and measuring, plan- ned relaxation, rest periods as needed, the school lunch, the morning health review with follow-up through the day, recess periods, etc.) The health of the teacher (by preliminary examinations, health supervision while in service, sick leave, tenure, periodic x-ray, etce) 2s In the Teacher Training Field: (a) (b) (c) (4) Student health service ‘The hygienic regime of the student's day in daily program hours of work, living conditions, rest periods, recreation, etce Health instruction, including instruction in health education methods, both academically and in the course of practice teaching (by instruction in health subject matter, instruc- tion in health education methods, in physical education, practice teaching in health in the Mboratory, school, teacher instruction in detecting the abnormalities of individual pupils for referral to health specialists, the contribution of other subjects to the health education of the in-training) In-service treining through health education workshops, institutes, extension courses, summer courses, ctc. Suggested Dates for Committees to Meet: le fe Se 4 November 1944 January 1945 February 1945 May 1945