July 17, 1944. To Whom It May Concern: . I em very to certify that Mrs. L. 0. Hanson (nee Lois Laptad) has had courses in ou Department of \ _ Physics] Education at the University of Fansas which have fully covered the subject of “effects of narcotics”. Mrs. Hanson took her minor in Physical Education, and was enrolled in many courses taught by Dr. James Naismith. These courses included Kinesiology, Personal Hygiene, Physical Examination and Prescription of Exercise, as woll as the regular University course in Physiology. Dr. Naismith | Was very thorough in handling his subject matter, and I am ' sure his lectures covered the effects of narcotics. I was a nember of the department at that time, and closely associated with Dr. Naismith. Sincerely yours, & Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.