June 21, 1944. S/Sct.e A. Ge Hulteen, 37227031, Army Mail AeP ee 495 ~ c/o Poe, . New York, N.Y. Dear George: . I want to your very thoughtful and worth- while gift to me in the form of thie souvenir calendar which you sent me from India. It is a marvelous prosent and I expect to use it years and years, but I am afraid that I will wear out before the calendar will. . It is nice of you to express the sentiments you did in your letter. I assure you that I appreciate them very muche The Rebounds has gone ahead of this letter, but I did want personally to tell you how much I appreciate your thinking of ms and sending me this lovely present. | | I heave just finished with a bond auction celebration at the Haskell Stadiua, but I imgine that Mrs. Hulteen will tell you about that because she had the reat of the family out there to see the clowns aud other attractions. pose With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Kducation, FCA:A Varsity Basketball Coach.