Mr. Edward J. Hickox, International Y.M.C.A. restate atin Springfield, Mass. Dear Ed: Thank you for your friendly note of March 4th. On August 30, 1941, when Val Lentz wrote me regarding the questionnaire at that time, I wrote him as follows: β€” β€œIn my opinion the National Basketball Coaches Association leadership at the present time is going to be the means of splitting up the joint Basketball Rules Committee. I think we are having some very poor leadership at present and I do not foresee much good coming out of the things they are try- ing to put across.” This is my sentiment in regard to a certain eastern block, the nucleus of which resides in the metropolitan area. Neither do I think much of the leadership of the N.C.A.A. tournament, the chairman of which is Harold Olson. Thank you for sending the notice, and I quite agree with you that I do not deserve nor do I care to subscribe financially to it. In my opinion it is just wasting your time and your moneye With all good wishes to you and Mrs. Hickox, whom I prize as real friends, I am Sincerely yours, | Direotor of Physical Edusation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach.