JOHN O.HERBOLD ATTORNEY AT LAW 219 3H) HOLLYwoop security BUILDING 638! HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA (28 ) e April 1l1lth,1944. Professor Forrest C. Allen; Director of Physical Education and Basket Ball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Professor Allen:= How goes everything with you and yours back in old Kansas? And how is your basket-ball team doing now? Am trying to line up a few husky linemen for my friend, "Gus" Dorais of the Detroit "Lions", and so far, have two likely prospects for his 1944 team. But the Ar- med Forces have played havoc with all athletic lineups and you do not know from day to day whom you heave. Although ea life long Democrat, I am hoping for a Republican victory in the presidential election this Fall and my present choice is Governor John W. Brick- er of my old home state of Ohio; but Governor Dewey would suit me all right if Bricker does not win the nomination. I was glad to see Wisconsin puds the skids under Mr.Wil- licke, for that gent has been running interference for Roosevelt since 1940. Personally, I care nothing for "One World" nor Roosevelt's or Willicke's brand of inter~ nationel imperialism. | The local Pacific Coast baseball season opened here last Saturday, with the Hollywood "Stars" trimming Seattle; somehow or other, I cannot develop much enthus-~ iesm for this Coast brand of ball and main attraction is the Cincinnati Reds of the National League. ? My two boys are doing nicely in school and both Johnnie and ‘ony are baseball and football addicts. Let's hear from you when you get a respite from your arduous duties and best wishes from all the Hollywood Herbold Indians. eh a es ee | « JOH/H. Enel. Clippi