Septenber 14, 1942. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches FCA: An THE DR, FORREST GC, ALLEN, DIRECTOR OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS, LAWRENCE, KAS, DEAR PHOG: | HAVE BEEN DIGGING AROUND BUT. FAILED TO FIND ANY THAT WAS [IT BEGINS’ TO LOOK NOW AS T GRID SPORT WITHOUT WRITING ANYT SETUP, | AM RETURNING THE CORRESP YOUR CAPE GIRARDEAU SPEECH FOR NEED OR WANT IT BACK, i CAN'T BEGIN TO EXPRESS M .. SPONDING TO MY REQUEST SO PROMP TIME 1 CAN BE OF SERVICE TO YoU | PLAN TO COVER THE IOWA c ABLE TO CHAT A FEW MINUTES WITH WITH KINDEST PERSONAL REGA + 1 REMAIN, ASSOCIATED PRESS STAR BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MO. FOR A PEG TO HANG THE FOOTBALL YARN ON, ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY.» HOUGH TIMES WILL BE ROUGH ENOUGH FOR THE HING THAT WOULD: DETRACT FROM THE BIG SIX ONDENCE WITH JACK MITCHELL, BUT AM KEEPING FUTURE REFERENCE UNLESS, OF COURSE, YOU Y SATISFACTION WITH YOUR GOURTESY IN RE- TLY, BUT YOU MAY BE ASSURED THAT4&. AT ANY 1 STAND READY, ITY=KANSAS GAME, AND HOPE THAT 1 WILL BE YOU AT THAT TIME. RDS, AND THANKING YOU AGAIN FOR YOUR INTEREST, SINCERELY YOURS, Pronk ————? FRANK HOOD, ~ ASSOCIATED PRESS.» September 12, 1 942. The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Kensas. It was good of you to write me as you did on September 5. Thanks for reminding me of ow conversation. 1 remember that well, but did not want to bother you with added detail regarding Mite Dear Lacy: i i 2 Fitz B Het ini lug) meine iki : : a3ee g 8 i He jas ae : aa ; sila: dues pigin eu canbe Eset! if : as nye] Hine fends Be iat “SUG Aga) el ree pge gece pegge ges Hay iaayk ees E33 EMule fh aun He went in one of the depart:ents, asked the head about his job, talked to him a while, and then walked over to the fellow's The head went over and ie fhe fellow who is more directly over Milton thah Mr. Foulke is Mr. Skelton, superintendent of plant protection. There was a Mr. Wilson in Mr. Skelton's place, but Wilson was transferred for efficiency, and not for inefficiency. Tem giving you this dope, Lacy, and of course Mit and I prec inte it, but do not make it appear awkward you do have an opportunity to help him. I things go along as they are because I am sure that Mit can win under his own steam. However, we do greatly ee er things that you have done @ the Allen clan. HF on't you write mo | | nd) give me Lacy, Jr.'s, address? I meant to ask you for| it when we talked. I want to write hima | letter and send him @ stball end football schedule and other . | reeks Give our kindest regards to Mary Jane and Mrs. Haynes. With ell good wishes, Tam, \ \ A ; loprbatadiealy and sincerely yours, j / ‘ : iz ; 3 FOAMH “Torey anche Goan ) ~~“ THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 SUBSCRIBERS 7X September 5, 1942 Dear Phog: Thanks for sending me a copy of the letter you are writing the boys returning to school. You did a grand job in the way you put the proposition of responsibility to them. I have not forgotten the conversation we had, and will do anything I can to help in my limited way. If they are going into this thing on a wholesale plan, they must have enough help to get the job donee Thanks for the schedule, and with all best wishes to you, I em Sinecérely yours, = > rs A Septenber 16, 1942. iy. Strong Hinman, Dear Strong: I thought I had a young man for you, Giles Elmore, one of our physical education majors who graduated a ago. and I traced him down to find that he is at Kinsley, Keneas, in the Chevrolet autamobile business. I called hin for you, but his business opportunity was better than what he thought physical education might provide, so he turned it dotitte yeers ago and taught at Lonsing, Kansas, last year. I had @ ietter on Mey 26, 1941, from him at Randolph, Kansas, his home. He was asking about the possibilities of physial education teachers in the army camps. I am quite sure that ee ee ee Set Se ee Rereion or - subject to draft. . Iam sorry that I cannot give you any more leads. I have exhausted every possible onc. ee ee you will be able to locate someonc. tad oop T an aypy Hat trrey Prom ts giving you geod service. With all good wishes, I em Sincerely yours, Ale & ee i i a Roos, © ex one poe sss oa th c ies ee : }) A bE Ce = | | 4 dé i : NH ; i e MS. é of Topeka de Mf EZ } AT CSU ES P TM e/ Z lite STRONG HINMAN, Assistant SUPERINTENDENT WLP ALLL HEALTH AND SPECIAL SERVICES E. E. SALLEE, Assistant SuPeRINTENDENT Business AFFairs Sept. 12, 1942 Mr. F. C. Allen, Professor Physical Education Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allens: We are still looking for a physical director and coach for our Curtis Junior High School in Topeka. Many men have. been interviewed and investigated and actually employed. The last man we employed stayed on the job one day and left. This does not mean that we have killed anyone off, but they simply cannot get released from the jobs they now hold. If you have any men that you know of who are competent to teach gymnasium classes and coach football, basketball, and track for junior high school boys, I will appreciate it if you will let us have their names. Please do not give us the names of anyone who is employed in a school system unless you are certain that his Board of Education will give him a release. We much prefer to locate someone who is working in the field of business and who wants to come back into the teaching profession, This position will pay between $1700 and $2000 per year depending upon the man's background, professional preparation, and experience, We appreciate everything which you and your placement bureau have done for us in the past few weeks, but these efforts have not produced a person who has been able to stay with us. Ifyou will please try once more to help us we will appreciate it. Sincerely yours, Assistant Stuperintendent SH :K Health and Special Services Septenber 8, 1942. Mr. Robert Le Huwhrey, 401 Buchanan St., retin goat Dear Bob: Thank you for your letter of September 2nd. We hope to be able to um you in ow boxing program. | eo eee Sincerely yours, : ? Director of Physical Education, . PCA :All Varsity Basketball Coach. dawg a ee a De bags os Dies Jiro, SV Ube Th, she ble Ao Chem permrhip for /9 9% ag ee ee a) Ee of sbhndid Loz aga Chir part annem Dae A pe AOE Ge atov~ Lf. Ply eS a pat Bitten a oO pen