CABLE ADDRESS "FOSKIM" ELKHART FOSTER DIVISION ELKHART, INDIANA FASTERMATICS-TURRET LATHES SCREW MACHINES DOUBLE YOUR CUTS FOSIER_ DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS Dr. Forreet C, Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. Dear Phog: ee MACHINE Siac cnpeces are SPECIAL MACHINES DIVISION LIBBY DIVISION ELKHART, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA PLEASE REPLY TO ELKHART, IND.,U.S.A. Nov. 17, 1942 How are things looking in basketball? I'11 bet von have a fine’ season as usual, eh coach? I see by the paper that football is about as usual at Kansas. J am plarining to come to Chicago to see yours game, I finally have a job I have been working for years to get. Am now a personne] manager for a really big concern, We are putting out about a million dollars worth of machine tools a month now. I imay have the opportunity to coach their basketball team. Have any. id@as, Phog? ? How about some of your "Stratified Transitional Zone" material, the kind you tell your adoring public about? I remember how you used to deseribe their bewildered look when you used a simple stratified transitional zone defence. Am enclosing a clipping of the "Grand 01d Man and yours truly. Cordially yours,