November 14, 1942. Mre Je We ‘ - Leonaréville Rural High School, Leonerdville, Kansas. Dear Mr. Honeywell: Thank you for your inquiry of November 12th. I have written a text, entitled "Better Basketbe11", which I believe would be very helpful to you. I hed the high school coach especially in mind when I wrote the book. I am enclosing some descriptive material which will give you en idea of ite contents. "netter Basketball” is fully illustrated with diagrams end photographs, and has much of interest to both coach and player. The book is sold at most leading athletic goods firms. The price is $4.00, If you should desire an auto- graphed copy I will be very Happy to mail it to you postpaid upon receipt of your check or money order for $4.00. Very sincerely yours, Director of Fhysical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.