THE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS OMAHA, NEBRASKA EB. S: HICKEY HEAD COACH OF BASKETBALL April 29, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc:" Iwas very pleased to have your reply of April 23. It is true that I failed to remember any letter to Dr. Nigro wherein you were discredited in any manner. Possibly I failed to recall this to mind because of the fact that the letter itself does not bear cut the statement that Dr. Nigro has apparant-. ly made to you. I had hoped to enclose photo-stat coples of the only correspondence that I have had with Dr. Nigro but in the press of affairs here I have not gotten to it. TI am, however, enclosing copies and have also written to Dr. Nigro. I am. sure that he will bear out the original of the letter that I re- fer to. A copy of my letter to him is also enclosed, Il appreciate my language in the hurry up letter to Dr. Nigro is not expressed any too well -/but I certainly do not read in it any maligning of you and in fact none was every intended. I am positive the N.C.A.A. members were greatly influnced by your position relative to playing Creighton. Certainly this does not work to you discredit and.our thoughts on this matter were clearly expressed in my previous letter. I am surely glad to have this matter straightened out and I sincerely hope that I have thoroughly explained our position. As I view it, Dr. Nigro, unfortunately has misinterpreted my letter;.... or in any event, has read into it a statement that. was not written and this phase of the situation cert- ainly needs correcting. I again repeat our feeling as respects our past relations in basketball and I shall look forward to resuming ‘these games when it is possible for us to play in the future, I should be glad to hear from you at any time. With very best wishes, I am, incerely yours, ESH/PS | thee Enc. 4 E. Se Hickey : Basketball Coach