‘January 27, 1943. Mr. Arthur FP. Hughes, Sports Sditor, St. Joseph News-Press, St. Joseph, Missouri. Dear Art: Thanks for your good letter of the 24th instent. trainer, Dean Nesmith. This p Milo Farneti, our sports editor, printed some of the ve do not know whether you know ’ or any representative member ssion to either go on the to his men. — played basketball and does not profess \¢ came from DeVictor of Missouri that I am hin. I trainer seek ster had to sey regarding our it ome but has to I see no out to his own men each s He takes the towel and water bottles makes them as comfortable as he can. This, as he trainer GenN6 ght to do as often as he wishes. went en not sure whether you have Zept up with aaitt fsia3 iii + akiey Hae iF ° uti Ni itn Hi nie (is ‘ Ht lula Hah ih , trainer that we were comumicating with ZI have fostered this rule to do ee ee ste ign ee ee ne ul tat you mote j i wheats eittacen sensanen