\> April 15, 1943. Mr. Paul H. Helms, Sponsor, Helma Athletic Poundeti on, 117 West Sth Street, Los Angeles, California. See ine Helms: + aici ni es estes tee nis paid me by your Foundation in selecting me as one of the top coaches of the nation. My failure to answer . should not be construed as lack of gratitude, but . rather I was so overwhelmed at the selection that I could searcely believe it. However, I am none the less appreciative ani oe this signal honor. 3 You have heen very generous and considerate in giving Kensae players recognition in your splendid publication. For this we also thank you sincerely. If at any time we can be of any service to you in rendering any information that you deem necessary, it would be a pleasure to accede to your request. Again thanking you for this great honor, I am Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, PCA:AH | Varsity Basketball Coach.