March 15, 1945. Answering your favor of the 8th instant, beg to state that we know of no physical education majors that we will be able to gradute this year dus to the wr. fhe only individual that I know of who might be inter- in moving on to a better job would be Dave Shirk, of all sports at Augusta, Kaneas. Dave is one of our 1 top graduates and a marvelous fellow. Dave has. physical impairment due to an iliness that he con- tracted two and a half years ago, and may escape the call. If interested you might lock him up. , Airy We have another young fellow at Haskell Institute, - Marvin Vendaveer, who is a dandy, but T believe that he wilt be galled into the service. With all good wishes, I em Sincerely yours, » Director of Physical Education, KENNETH McFARLAND, SuperinteENDENT i, i 1 L f Ht 7 . a ae HT |): i of : | } tM ee aio F S a4 ind Se. ¢ E | er 3 ; | 8 & } NaN ote rege Hl : tae eWblic Sears hl T XG TT ON AD) clueis ol lopeka ’ ae] LA ; iu a ict g, o. ublic oehtbels of SOISS i EO RS ETERS KS Ye Le is eee fe AWWA | RARER PE \ A @ a —§ ae = Ps / - myth f poy h STRONG HINMAN, Assistant SUPERINTENDENT Osl ZF, HMM Sf, PA dL ; HEALTH AND SPECIAL SERVICES é E. E. SALLEE, Assistant SUPERINTENDENT Business AFFaAirs March 8, 1943 Dr. Fs €. Allen, Director Physical Education for Men Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allens: Next fall we will need several men to teach in our physical education departments both in junior and senior high schools. We realize that it will be very difficult to find adequately trained men because of the war situatione I thought perhaps you might know of men who have been deferred from active service for some reason or other, who might want to change from the position they are now in to a larger field such as we can offer here in Topeka. We want candidates for our positions to be college graduates with at least a major in health and physical education. If you have any students who are graduating this year who can qualify and who are not subject for -gervice in the armed forces we will be glad to consider them also. Will you please let me hear from you giving me the names of men whom you care to recommend. Sincerely yours, ee Assistant Superintendent Health and Special Services March 4, 1943. Sports Editor, Topeka State Journal, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Carlos: I em very glad to have your letter of the first instant, and went you to know that I very greatly appreciate : 3 : I agree with concerning Ray Evans. is a great athlete and a fine youmg man. It has been joy to have him on the team. *e With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. The Topeka State Journal Topeka, Kansas March 1,1946 Dr.Forrest C.Allen,Baskekb&éll Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kan. Dear Dr.Allen: May I take this opportunity of congratulating you and your pasketball men on a fine athletic achievement.I saw you r game with Oklahoma, and despite the fact my wife and I sat in next to the back row of the first balcony I got a whale of a kick out of the contest.You understand, my seats were my own fault, since I waited until three weeks before the game to order them.That proved not soon enough, and they gave me the best available at that time. You probably will recall I told you early in the season, by letter, that I was picking “%.J. to win the Big Six title. I meant it, and your team did what I fully expected.It was a fine display of will to win, despite some hamdbcaps thru jiiness. I also would like to say a word about my opinion of Ray Evans, the player who,more than anyone else, in my opinion, prought the title to X..I regard that young man as explifying the qualities I like to see in a college athlete.He has abil- ity,character, will to win,heart,sportsmanship and poise. I class him as ong of the greatest athletes I have seen in Kansas in over pa decade of sports writing. Again, extending to yourself and to every member of the squad my congratulations,I anm,, CEH/p Hughson Union High School HUGHSON, CALIFORNIA February 24, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are sorry our payment of $4.00 for one copy of "Better Basketball" has been delayed. We hope to mil your warrant to you in about a week as it is now in the County office awaiting signature. Sincerely, Fs Bs Hurni Principal FHH:FB February 17, 1945. Principal, Hughson Sigh School, Hughson, California. Pear Sir: On December 29, 1942, I mailed to your school one copy of my text, “Better Basketball", order No. 41010, and also sent a copy of the bill for r $4.00. The book was sent postpeid. fo date I have not received payment on this order’, ee or money crder by return mail. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Dr. Allen -- I took the liberty of filling this order for one copy of Better Basketball be- ' fore receiving the price of it, since it was a school order. This is a copy of the bill I mailed to the Hughson High School. AH co ” eS — December 29, 1942. In Account with - FORREST C. ALLEW University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas ’ ‘ fo - HUGHSON HIGH SCHOOL $2579 Order No. 41010 Hughson, California. One (1) copy “BETTER BASKETBALL” . . « « $4.00 postpaid February 25, 1943. Professor V. P. Hassler, School of Enginceringe / Dear Professor Hessler: — Ya hove tried a number of times to reach you by phone today, but failed in our attempt. I wanted to assure you that we have investigated the cause of the injuries to the three Engimeoring students which you meres SS me fwo of these injuries occurred while the condition ing class was playing basketball - not Mexican basketball, the rough and tumble gamo, but a regular game of basket- ball, The instructor reported that one of his students was limping a bit and if he received a broken bone it was not evident at the time. It was probably « greenstick fracture. It is our purpose to teach safety in athletics, and not to indulge in activities which are dangerous to the students. We are definitely chesking with the hospital on all cases of fractured bones, but I do not think there will be many which actually occurred during a physical condition- ing clea. { appresiate yor tsterost, emi thank you for calling me about these thres students in your olasase Sincerely yours, | Direstor of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. February 11, 1943. Lieut. John Hassig, Bn. A; 701 Ae As Regt, Port Hamilton, N.Y. Dear Johnny: I am also glad that you enjoyed the visit with the gang. T*ll bet it looked good to see the old friends when a fellow has been away from the campus for quite a while. Assuring you it was @ pleasure to see you, and wishing you continued suecess, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. February 11, 1943. take more than the red socks up at Lincoln and Ames, because Charlie Black is in the hospital with pneumonia and of course will not play for some time. I hope that your kmee is gotting along splendidly end that you will soon be out. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Four TY ng e ‘ , er ot . yeaa yf ‘Will you Kindly send me your 1942-1943 basketball schedule? Thanks. — January 6, 1943. -¥% will be good to see you and your gon. With all.good wishes, T an Sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education, FCA:AH 7 Varsity Basketball Coach. H. V. HOWARD ATTORNEY AT LAW 203 1-2 SOUTH SUMMIT ST. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS Jan. 4-1943 Mr. Phog Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kans. Dear Phog, I'm planning on going to the Okla. University and Kans. University game and I am bringing my son along. I'm sending for the tickets today and I would like to know where you plan on staying in Okla. City as 1 would cee very much to see you while I'm there. The best of luck to you and your team—-—- aor a oe HVH/h H.V. Howard January 7, 1945. Mr. Alfred G. Hill, Publisher, — Chester Times, Chester, Pa. ‘Dear Alfred: Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness in sending us clippings sonucerningthe game with St. Joseph's. It was very nice of you to do this and we appreciate it. Mrs. Allen returned and said that she had a nice visit with Julia. 3 With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, - FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach. PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON SUNDAY EXCEPTED ” 18 TO 26 EAST EIGHTH STREET Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kangas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: ALFRED G. HILL, PUBLISHER ESTABLISHED 1676 CHESTER, PENNA. DELAWARE COUNTY'S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER STORY, BROOKS & FINLEY, INC. PUBLISHERS’ REPRESENTATIVES NEW YORK, 230 PARK AVE. CHICAGO, 360 N. MICHIGAN AVE, CLEVELAND, 1900 EUCLID AVE. PHILADELPHIA, FIDELITY-PHILA. BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO, MONADNOCK BLDG. DELIVERED TO NEARLY EVERY HOME IN CHESTER AND THROUGHOUT DELAWARE COUNTY December 31, 1942 I am enclosing some of the publicity that came through as a result of your invasion, You certainly had the boys going last night, and I suspect that that scull session helped, It was mighty nice to see you again. With best personal regards H/c enc. Sincerely, CHESTER TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY January 7, 1943. Mr. Carlos 5. Hobbs, Sports Editor, Topeka State Journal, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Carlos: We do not broadcast any of our home games. The game at Iowa State will be broadcast, and also our game with Creighton at Omaha on March 4. But the broadcasting here has been dis- continued besause the evening hours are the most profitable, financially speaking, for the broadcasting companies. Jenk Gardner lant. year had an arringenent whereby the Se ee ees over WIBW. Romie Ashburn did this for us over WREN about five years =e = ee i a eee te My, how time flies My sincere desire certainly would be to give Alf Landon anything that we cen in a sports way. I will see that Chuck Elliott, our sports publicity man, cheoks on the broadcasts and gives you all the information he can. 0. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Che Gapeka State Journal TOPEKA, KANSAS Jane5,1943 Mr. Forest C.Allen, K.U.Athletic office, Lawrence,Kan. Dear “Phog";: First, let me congratulate you on your successful Eastern trip.Now I'm picking the Jayhawkers to win the Big Six.I find some opposition to that mange, C006 But I really believe it. | Now another matter.Wish you would have your publicity department. inform us on all your games whether the games are to be broadcast.I have half a dozen queries about the Oklahoma game in Norman this week.It is a service we like to give our readers when we can, but unless we are able to get the information from the schools we are helpless. Just now Alf Landon stopped at my desk to say that was a fault with the sport pages.eI I am appeling to the schools. ‘to see that we get that information. That applies to both home and away games. I would appreciate it if you would ask your publicity department to keep us informed | on that. With kindest personal regards, I am, Very_truly yours, CEH/p January 7, 1943. Mr. Lacy Haynes, Kansas City Star — Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Lenya Thanks, old fellow, a thousaml times for your good wishes. We certainly appreciate enything like thet from you. It was a great delight to have the Haynes with us in New York. You were that good luck charm that we needed against Fordham. We have been going like a house afire in the last four genes, and last Monday night we really stepped on the Glippers in no uncertain fashion. _ I em writing you regarding the 16th of Jenuary. We are playing the iron men stunt in these games, playing Comp Crowler from Neosho, ee ee ee ne ee ey from St. Joseph, Missouri. ghen on the 29th of danuary we play the Clippers again, while Missouri playa the Great Lakes, and on the 30th we play the Great Lakes and Missouri plays the Clippers in double headers. oo et ee eee Snes Ss yee em and I will see that Jimy HAnuet dom 's Farge’ you. A% the Prat opportunity. that < have I want to neat you on & very important mission and ask your advice. You never miss in giving me the very stuff Iwant. | It was good to see Lacy, Jr., also. I am hoping that Mary Jane and Mrs. Haynes are as well and peppy as you always appear to be. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physic al Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 oN SUBSCRIBERS January 5, 193 Dear Phog: Congratulations on a successful eastern invasion’ Had a great time at the Garden, and it was good to see the Allens. And how I loved that one point. And frankly, as a quarterback coach of a basketball team, the fact the game was a little ragged didn't bother me. Evidently you have the boys working smoothly for the rest of the trip, from the reports I read. Good luck in the Big Six, which means so much more to you than the eastern invasion! Sincerely yours, January 8, 1943. Mr. Dave Horkmans, 1317 Kentucky 8+., ; Lawrence, Kansag. | Dear Dave: a your soul, old fellow, you are a charm$ ‘Those fresh strawberries were marvelous, and tue you te think of me as you have - I want you to know that I iate it deeply. And were they fines Just as they were right from the garden. if sisi Wiles aaah 6 sacotandl Attia ed wk: But really, it is the thought that is worth so mich. And you delivered them - well, Dave, I don’t imow that I will ever get even with you, but I do want you to know that I deeply appreciate - your friendship. Hope to see you at Rotary with good news regarding Oklahoma. i Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH ) Varsity Basketball Coach. a January 9, 1945. detthling, pivoting, passiiee, detenn, rebtend- You will find a number of drills and suggestions on these funda- mentals in my book, “Better Basketball”. In the lest hour of prac- tise the time should be devoted to developing team offense, defense, ee eee lays, out of bounds plays, offensive plays, fast break Se eavkonan mie Ge nae tie cae Here is a sample schedule for one week. Monday - 30 minutes set shots from all angles; 50 minutes deibble and pivot Grill, also hook pass; 15 minutes working offensive plays without opposition; 30 minutes working offense against opposition; and to wind up the practice each boy takes fifty free throws. Tuesday - 50 minutes shooting set-ups; 15 minutes passing and 15 minutes in- dividual defense; seimmage 30 minutes; free throws. Wednesday - shooting 30 minutes; 15 minutes out of bounds playss; 20 minutes de- fense, emphasizing fast break from the defense; 20 minutes scrimmage; free throws. fhursday - shooting 30 minutes; free throws 30 minutes; and run through out of bounds plays or offensive plays without opposition. Friday - gaye. 5 | I trust thls information will be helpful to you and T wish you ee ee ie ty Sincerely yours, PCA:AH Director of Physical Education. Boards of Education Faculty School District No. 3, High School VIOLA esace’ acREa Principal cience - W.H. BROWN OO OPHA GIBSON ROY SMALLEY = i JULIA THOMPSON Glare RALPH O. HAMMER, Superintendent iteind Resuseates psd ie CECIL PRICE : JENEAN HUDSPETH Treasurer Commerce ELLA FRANZ School District No. 42, Grade School : Latham, Kansas eee LELAND ELLIS NORMA DAE STONE, Principal Director 5th and 6th Grade O. J. UNDERWOOD ERMA ELLIS Clerk 3rd and 4th Grade Stgasater eee 1st and 2nd Grade C, C, HUFFINGTON, Custodian Laurent, JYaneat December 31, 1942. Mr. Ralph Hammer, Superintendent of Schools, | Latham, Kansas. Dear Mr. Hammer: Your letter of December 30th has been received during Dr. Allen‘s absence from his office. He will return Saturday evening, anh t ae eure wett answer your inquiry early next week. Sincerely yours, — Secretary to Dr. Forrest C. Allen.