Bruce Drake, Basketball Coach, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. What ¢ime does game start Saturday night? Is it true there is no place to stay in Norman? Do you advise us to stop in Oklahoma City and come down later. Please wire collect. Forrest C. Allen. — . : - CLASS OF SERVICE \ \ } E, S E RN 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate \ a j DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- Pe ee NL=Night Letter gram unless its de- . Oo f - ferred character is in- 3 6 } LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- | NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. A. N. WILLIAMS \ Ship R oe la PRESIDENT TN ; Sling time shown m Uae date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination KAZ59 18 COLLECT=NORMAN OKLA 9 200P So FORREST C ALLEN= BM Fib g Ph 2-8 ‘UNIV OF KANS ADVISE YOU STAY IN OC INTERURBAN SERVICE EVERY 30 MIN GAME STARTS 745 USING LST BILT BALL= BRUCE® . som o. off | LE ee, 1h 1 tale 230 745 OCe THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE . THE INDIAN-DETOUR AND GRAND CANYON LINE The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway System be FE ie kf From Lawrence Kans Te Norman -Okla-& “9° = return. ITINERARY OF YOUR TRIP This schedule is based on current time tables, which are subject to change without notice Station Road Time Train No. Day and Date Remarks Lv. Lawrence Santa Fe 9.58PM 27 Friddy Feb 11 Pullman At. Oklahoma City ae 7*45AM 27 Sat ops 12 Pullman, ‘Lv. Oklahoma City nis 8. AM 27 Sat nt 12 Chair Car Ar. Norman Okla. rf 8 .28all 27 Sat “4 2 Chair Car Lv. Ar. Lv. Norman Okla Santa Fe 9.19Pu | 28 Sat Feby 12 Pulliman Ar. lawrence Kans ae 6.30AM | 28 Sun hale nn Lv. Ar. es - Lv. Ar. r LVi Ar. Lv. - Ar. Zs pe Lv. Ar. Cote, 2.6.44 ul - All principal SANTA FE trains are now AIR-CONDITIONED S Remarks: ag : = Grand Canyon National Park and the Indian-detours, on the Santa Fe to or from California and Southern Arizona, offer matchless stopovers of any length and at any season. The Santa Fe is the only railroad entering Grand Canyon National Park. Pullmans direct to the Rim. Iindian-detours explore by motor the cliff dwellings, Indian pueblos and quaint native villages of the Spanish-Indian country about Old Santa Fé, New Mexico. —y MEDICINE HAT h NAT\ PARK> CAN, ee a a PORT ARTHUR SSX4Y/ : y : 2 : a 4 ws \ Q@LACIER’ ‘NATIONAL PARK ie a —— nee ee oe le me oe oe JS i MT, RAIN “NATIONAL RAB es a J ea a | | YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Wir a 2 CRATER LAKE DEVATIONAL PARK a —— = eon . N. ee “6. SISSON wr 7p Assen NATIONAL PARK pac. m3 -“—oeoo = —— mds —_—— eK ton Cy. YOSEMITE O~./NATIONAL PARK EL PORTAL GENERAL GRANT NATIONAL PARK Si, SEQUOIA “* NATIONAL PARK’ The Santa Fe is the only line under one management ‘‘all the way’’— -. Chicago to California and Phoenix— thus insuring uniformity of service Motor Route Coordinated With Train Service {| === Santa Fe Double Track wma Santa Fe Single Track Other Lines : a = ; : \ Rand McNally &Co.; A j # 5 % ese OS Se eae ae Se ae ara INTERCOLLEGIATE THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN : OKLAHOMA Neve 19, 1944 ltr. Gentes Sawerde Mere Louies Menge Mr. Ay ds Lewendowskt Gentleman - I'm very happy to pase on some information songerning railroad traneportation out of Jorman which will prevent that mad rush to Oklahoma City after the game. ‘The Banta Fo is now running a North bound train thru Norman thet is scheduled to leave at 9:17. Towaver this train on the average taken by ma for the past week hae been om an average of 18 minutes late. I'm sure that thie new schedule will work out to your gatis faction. Concerming feeding your team after tha gate Tt will be more than glad to fill whatever menu you desire in th way of a box lunch and have it in your dressing room, for I know 14 will be imposedble for you to secure food immediately here after tie game. If you ara interested Suet let me know and 1111 do whatever I oan to iron out this extracrdinary difficulty that hae caused you #0 much grief in previous years. Bruce Drake Coach of Basketball omyd ghe baskethal? tenn will the tind Olflehoma at Norman, Ok2ahoma, on a. Sight, February i. ae. Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. We are happy to shift our game with you at Lawrence to Friday night, January 21. INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS NORMAN Nov e Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Phy. Ed. University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Docte THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA - OKLAHOMA 15, 1943 So that Kansas State @#ould fit into a schedule, I have shifted our game with you from Sat. January 22 to a Friday nites game January 21 as previously mentioned to you. your approval. Talked to Please confirm this change of date, and good Mike on the phone the other day and he tells me that he has all the games booked. suprised that we diden't have to have another meeting. luck in your game with Missouri Sat. f Sincerely, Lalas ee Bruce Drake Coach of Basketball I hope this meets with Mr. Bruce Prake, Basketball Coach, University of Oklahom, Worman, Oklahoma. : Dear Bruce: We have checked with the University authorities on Hoch Auditerium for Priday night, January 21. Ow calendar is clear, and we are therefore holding both nights, January 21 and 22, witil further word from you. Please let me have your reply as goon as possible, as we must release one of there dates. Thanks for your "cheerio" letters Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical mducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma Nove 1, 1943 PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lwarence, Kansas Bear Doc t= I'm sorry that we coulden't get together in Kansas City. Felt that we both could gain on such. In making room for Kansas State could you play our game in Lawrence on Friday January (21) instead of the 22nd. I know you had rather play on a Friday. From all indications I guess Kansas State is coming in. I'm sure glad that the league will be in tact. There is nothing definate on the days that I can play Kansas State, but I'm trying to have as many open dates as 1 can for them to make it possible for a complete schedule. Yes Tucker is here at Norman, and of course I'm planning on playing him should the Army lift the present restrictions on such participation. We no doubt would all profit by such a move, but I'm not counting on it. Whether or not your statement, "I would not accuse anybody of playing politics in athletics, but that has been done in some cases”, was an implication that I was pushing such a move, I doubt, but so that you will understand my stand, I'm just sitting here taking what comes my way and getting some 1,000 soldiers in shape. Did you think I had something up that well known sleve? Doc if I had sleves as large as yours, and all those basketball tricks that you have accumulated over the years, what could I possible have that you diden't have twenty years ago? Well I'm sorry that our plan in K. C, fell thru. Maby it was best that way. My regards to your fine family, amd good luck to you. Basketball Coach 1942—THE SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA—1942 December 18th. g on tema ee Ae oe Se ae onde bane a 36 i ny 6e ge, "rene ata fete ae ap poieeas ‘a hh iw oe , emumeteng: is zon i# Mom gue ¥¥g" bywheg 7 gue, yeepoan | ET oe ahoxe #ponp sve y°y"p* sug Aon, oh w eng. ey ” Sincere yours, pezone guee spme* ly apray 7a ov grmgek- { gow, peyrTeae guek ayyy Rep wxomsg go Te eyo.pen pighes ryonre eherxe wpong weerruf gype Tagy oy sebgempes.*® frTyod wWyreqnye- | ow Bm.e Te MYT] pe wv onugwryey sopegnye” peprMt q® ooverqen gut pye boesrpyy7fFA o% @ gonpye BomuG LOpTy Oh @ one i Weg weg 7 farre. [Lom onze youre oy GTS ebpTerT® poring £8 beobye wf yome ve fo pgexyui ro ge tiene ou eye omibna- nog ajrmbyorapyh Cemees LHS? DERG0t8F °o! Baudet c Wi" QyynReA ya gyre qeoesben ee ag BA Tqey* LAGE” Aon =—_ eg woe yoMe grepe* Fy, Aon meg 20 MK ‘98 gryut moug™ po feo" pace’ T MonyG ewh gyre AON pepro. coaygel prezon.y To spews nylyee monyg pe amMey;y pig mer sponge pve ¢Q pom. “yrah kaye, yug qT wxce arpy Aon guep pmo pt Come 7H kenge crn On pmo eeg7y Syece sbow ¢yaw eponytq gyeah qeayie go | go cahevry guyfe- Cengrut ppe yopenhiepsgyon gue ce.geyu gnfnes Eonpremen myipe LeCoyepgrome wa OF LepewiA g\* Tagg’ omeaei.” [| ew Woe BALE Le~ I oengrrnth awe ennbuyeeg go Lavy fe or ty Pika siiashiast Desk yasae: yonsrens* " gseeqsazar MorTaeneys) 07%, GeTwpome’ Yeakegpeyy cowoy* We" Baace prexe* es al - aebpemyen yo" 5 aaa. gi ae pon / i i # y R : in : # bag 4 : es \ fos | uyFincouteciate “ATHLETICS ‘ THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA NORMAN : OKLAHOMA Sept. 6, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc:- I'm happy to report to you that according to the minutes of the Big Six that it is possible to play where you wish this year. Under "Changes in Elgibility Regulations, as of Feb. 27, 1943", be---That each institution be free to work out its athletic schedules as to time, place, and number of contests in such manner as to fulfill its regular student and to its Armed Force components". With the rules as they are and Kansas City so centrally located what do you think of vlaying two Big Big games in Kansas City on two nites. Say bring Kansas, Iowa State and Nebraska in with us and shift the second nite. It would give us a chance eliminate that long hop to Iowa State, and also an opportunity to cash in. I don't think our athletic department would permit vs to take too many of these games away from our campus, but I'm sure that this could be worked out to our satisfaction. Of course you paid us more money at your place this year than we paid you here, but don't forget.that.-yow had the ball club last year and with that kind of a team if they don't bring them its a sad story. I was speaking of the schools that cannot seat enough people ever pay us more than our guarentee. This diden't a@nclude Kansas as you well know. As for the A. A. U., we got a cut from the Eastern play-éffs held at Madison Square Garden. I made about 90.00 on our allowances made us while in K. C. and the rest came from the office of the hoarders. We waited six months for it, but when it came it was a pleasant suprise. At the time I wrote you concerning the possibility of playing A. A. U. teams I was thinking of Kansas and Oklahoma plaving two such teams in Denver. I know that Wyoming and Phillips cleared $10,000. in two games in Denver. As far playing in Denver, I don't think it would go unless teams around there are strong enough to warrent support. So if you think it woulden't be advisable to bring up the A. A. U. I'll just forget ite Che University of Oklahoma Norman, Oklahoma PHYSICAL, EDUCATION FOR MEN I hope that we meet this Sat. as out Army classes will not start until Monday. However Sept. 18 can be worked out O. Ke I'm having quite a time with my games with A & M. I suggested to Hank that we try out the new suggestion regarding "Goal Tending". He only laughéd. As yet I haven't any games scheduled with him. However I will go ahead and schedule them regardless of the rules. I'm wondering tho how this wit] rule or suggestion will ever be tried out when the coach that has one of these big men refuses to try it. However I'm going to énsist that we use three officials for our games with them. It's impossible for the official under the basket to be in a position to see when he sneaks his long arms in the imaginary cylinder as did Kurland on several occassions. My best wishes for your continued s»ccess. Regards to the boys and Mrs. Allen. Lh ; heats Coach of Basketball P. S. After my last letter to you I talked to Dale Arbuckle our director, and wish to state that he isn't in favor of the double game business. 1942—THE SEMICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA—1942 & Liout. Ge de Michelsen, Havy V-12 Unit, — University of Kansas. Dear Lieutemmt Michelman: The University of Kensas basketball team will play Kansas State at Nehattan on Wednesday night, February 25rd. We will lesave_ . lawrence via Union Pacific at 11106 a.m. Nodnesday, February 25, and will retuwn on the Union Pacific dus at 6:55 a.m. Thursday, eee 24. Ye will stay at the Gillette [otul while in I desire to take the following V-12 boys: Bon Barrington \ DMrector of Physical Mdusation, Varsity Pasketball Conch. | 2 € Mr. HM. F. Ahearn, Kansas State College, Manhatten, Kangas. Dear Mike: We are very happy to play you on our court here January 18th. I called Marty Peters at the Olathe Naval Air Base and he consented to make the change. We will play you on February 23 at Manhattan. It is not necessary to forgive you your facetious-~ ness. I enjoy it. ee ' With all good wishes, I am _ Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. is a KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS. November 3, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allan Director of Athletics Varsity basketball coach Dear Phog: _I trust that you will forgive me for being facetious in my last letter. It was just a bit of the Irish mean- ness in me cropping out. I very well knew that you were quoted as saying our Kansas cousins and not our country cousins. With that in mind I am wondering if we can de- .cide on February 23 as the date for our basketball game at Could we play you at Lawrence some time : _between January, 15th and January 22nd? I am requesting ae {% 4 this favor because our examinations & are during the week eS | of the 22nd to the 29th. Rest assured that we will be truly grateful to you if you are able to give us the dete at that time. With all good wishes I am Sincerely yours ae = 7 7 OI MFA:lh M.F, Ahearn 4g ™ a % . 2 Mr. Me Fe Ahearn, Director of Athletics, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas. Dear Mike: I aa sorry that I have delayed answering you good letter of October 22nd. I thought I would have e chance to talk with you when you were here at the football game but I failed to locate you. I em sending you our schedule, begimiing January 3, and you can eee that every Saturday night is taken from January 8 until Merch 4th. ee ee ey Se See ee et Es Merch 3, so the 4th of course would be out. It looks as if the way the schedule is drawn that we will have to play during the week both at Lawrence and Manhattan. I believe that Kensas State played the last game here last year, so it would be up to us to entertain you here first this year, and play our sedond game at Manhattan. How about a game between the 22nd of January and the 29th, here at Lewrence, and between Pebruary Sth and 12th at Manhattan? ‘ Or, between February 19 and 26, at Manhattan? I just want to correct one statement in your facetious re- marks, Michael. i said we would be happy to play with our Kansas eousins, and not —s cousins. Sincerely yours, _ Direotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. KANSAS STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE MANHATTAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS October 22, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allan University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear"Phog? I was gratified to read your comment in one of the daily papers concerning your willingness to schedule basketball games with your country cousins from Manhattan on the Kaw. I am just starting to make out a schedule and if you will send me the dates which are most satisfactory to you I will try my best to get the approval of the Athletic Council for them. Naturally I would like to schedule our home games for Saturday night if possible as we have the problem of getting our bleachers in place. Every day of the week except Saturday we have classes every hour until 5;40 in the evening however if we do not get the bleachers up our spectators will be obliged to watch the game from 9 standing position. Sincerely yours MFA3:1lh M. F. Afiearn Sh ey ae bi Sh fig pert See De a Bs Pees eke Deane Ta a ee Or nal Eee FS a HOTEL MISSOURI JEFFERSON City, Mo. HotEL TIGER s/[A° SWEET” HOTEL \ HOTEL TIGER “COLUMBIA, MO, TIOGA INN CHANUTE, KANS. COLUMBIA, Mo. - January-544. Drs Fs Ce. Alien Lawrence, Kans. Dear Doctors: We have reserved rooms for your basketball team beginming January’th. We appreciate this reservation and always glad to have you and your teams with us. Happy New Year fo Aevrbewe J~« C. Goodman Mer. P. S. Rate for sin ‘Le beds with bath $1.50. % Mr. W. T. Bowen, Tiger Hotel, ‘Columbia, Moe Dear Mr. em ae Mr. Karl Klooz, our Athletic htvwihoe will “acopmpany us to Columbia on Friday, and would like to have a reservation with the basketball team. We will be there two nights, getting out of Columbia at ten o’clock Sunday morning. The pullman reserv- ations are so bad and train travel so spotty that we will stay over Saturday night. Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.