Ur. Bruce Drake, | Coach, University of Oklahoma, s Olclahoms.. Bruce: | , like to bring this up but I want to put all my cards able. The Chancellor was insistent lest year that we not _ } any more games with Oklahoma Aggies on account of the last bitions here in Lewrence. That is why it would be impossible play in the Oklahoma City tournement, if we were\ inclined to travel that far during war time. — mer Besides, the auditorium is not open on Decenber 10 é i ae closed with other people. They have the llth only open, and Again, I want to be very frank with you. I saw in the paper where Gerald Tucker was temporarily located at ee is going to be moved to Norman. I hear rumors on very good au ity that doubt- less the Army will permit their men to play. I would not acouse any- body of playing politics in athletics, but that has beex done in some cases. I am just asking you directly if you are planning to use him this year. ‘ P Yes, I still talk for the ozar in intercollegiate athletics. : There has got to be a force and a power stronger than any preselyting agency. It is the only way some people know how to conform. I, too, feel sorry for Lew at Nebraska. Re : 7 iss of mterial or no material, a losing team always draws criticis:, t i iy Papen Fae oN j ‘Sincerely yours, { iN t " Direotor of Physical Bdueation, Varsity Basketball Coach, = i ih , ;