June 23, 1943. Drs Nelsou P. Horn, Beker University, Baldwin, Kansas. Dear President Horn: My secretary, Mrs. Hulteen, told me that you had called at my office. I want you to know that I apprec- iate your stopping by, but I regret that I was not able to greet you. Hope you will come again. Rotarily yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:Ali Vereity Basketball coach. dume 24, 1943. as Henry will make any commitments. You might write him We have not made ou basketball schedule, and very little has bem done definitely toward athletics here at the University. This campus is cetting to be a war college like all others, and the winning of the var is, in our sae’ aaonaia cask oe wabhataaart Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ST. JOSEPH NEWS-PRESS AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY St. Joseph Guzette MORNING C.M.PALMER, PRESIDENT HENRY D. BRADLEY, PustisHer ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI EDITORIAL ROOMS ARTHUR V. BURROWES, EDITOR May 19 Dear Phog; I don't know who is making up the football schedule at K.U.,far next fall but you mightvtell him that the Kosecrans field Flyers will be playing football and are looking for games. Right now it looks like a good grade college team but there is no telling what my happen later. You may remember the Flyers lost their three best baskettall players the week they were to play you. I believe that they will be better in football and basketball,too, this coming season, Anything you can do yo help the boys get games will be appreciated. a Arthur F ,Hughes Sports Editor the Gazette May 8, 1943. Mrs. Leoy Haynes, Sr., 2300 Vashington Bivd., Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Mre. Haynes: It is a genuine joy for me to be ono little thing for the Haynes family. always bean so loyal and generous with me have felt much in eternal debt to thon. eae “ie If I can do anything for the Admiral or the Admiralts family it gives me pleasure and durable satisfaction. | Please ranexber m most kindly to your wife's hus band. | With all good wishes to you and yours, I an Very sincerely yours, | | Direstor of Physical Hiucation, PCA: AR Varsity Basketball Coach. tay Gp 108S- en versity | ur. H. &, Hunt, 1515 lWighland Place, Emporia, Kansas. Dear Mr. Hunt: Thank you very mush for your good letter of the 14th instant enclosing your photograph and giving me information that you would be available wntil August Sth, at which time you will report to Chapel Hill. Congratulations on your Navy assignment. T an owe : ee ee ee ee ee ee ree ey _ Buccess. A We have recently acquired the services of Ray Kanehl of Wichita East High School, who will report to us July 1, and will be with us for the duration. For the short while that you would be availeble to us we do not consider that we have an emergency existing here that would call for your very fine services. I do thank you, however, for writing me. We have our swimming and life saving under control. We have a lieutenant and two chief specialists in the Navy whe will help us with our work. I am returning your photograph for your use. Wishing you much success at.Chapel Hill, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. QUINCY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF PuysicAL EpucaTion AND ATHLETICS HAROLD S. HUNT, DIRECTOR QUINGY:. =. = = 1ICEINDOIS June 14, 1943 Dr. F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: This letter is being written on the chance that there might be a need for another instructor in your department for the summer session. I have recently been commissioned as a physical instructor in the Navy and have just been informed that I will not be called to active duty until August 5th. Having established my family in Emporia for the duration, I am interested in obtaining employment until time to re- port to Chapel Hill. My qualifications includeca Master's degree from the University of Iowa in addition to twelve years experience in teaching and administration in physical education. I hold a water safety instructor's rating in the Red Cross and have had extensive experience in teaching allftforms of swimming and lifesaving. Henry Shenk can furnish you with any information you might wish regarding personal qualifications. Should you decide favorably on this application, I can be reached at my Emporia address which is: 1515 Highland Place Phone 1473 - L4 Sincerely, eyes ay or TELEPHONE 7020 - ——-~ i = JAMES H. HAMMOND LAWYER 6 SECURITY FEDERAL BLDG. COLUMBIA, S. CG. June 4, 1943 Doctor Forrest C. Allen Department of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: Thanks for your kind letter of June 1, enclosing you address. I agree heartily with everything you have to say. Some months ago, I tried to persuade the University and The Citadel, where I went to college and played on both teams, to undertake just about this procedure, but have gotten no where with the University, although The Citadel is highly in favor of it. I am, at this time, President of the Alumni Association of The Citadel and vitally intercsted in seeing that athletics are brought back to the student body, but it is a hard battle and will take considerable shock to revise it here. 3 JHA: fs May 23, 1943 ADDRESS REPLY TO EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND REFER TO INITIALS AND No. NAVY DEPARTMENT WASHINGTON Dear Doc. I was more than gaad to receive your letter the other dgg and want to apologize right now for not having answered soon but you know how those things go. I also want to thank you for the offer to write the letter for me and to tell you that you should know that the first person I would ask for a letter would be that rotten basketball coach at the old State U. . There is nothing new going on in this place at the present time. The only thing that we have released of interest lately is the Attu landing and fighting and somehow I can't Bet very worked up over that. +t seems a little slow to me. “verything else on the Navg is quiet right NOW. I got a letter from Chuck Elliott yesterday and he seems to be doing okay. He is now in ‘exas as you probably know. From the way his letter sounded he is really interedted in the work he is doing. I am going to have to cut this short for I have to go in and check the tickers (AP,UP,INS,FCC) and see if there is anything on them that we should know about here. One of those things that someone has to do and it looks like I am elected as I am on by myself. “gain I want to thank you for the offer of the letter and assure you . that you will be the first one that + call on if I need some help. fell all of the Allen faihily imkkemocfax hello for me and give them my beste Your gob pal An QLIDOAALION © curt TEICH & COs, INC. 9A-H1845 & Indiana on the Ohio River. Populat 1940, 111,034. Center of Railroad, A and Truck Traffic. Has modern Ai¥ air transport service. Modern icy center as well as shopping-marketj metropolis for more than one- people, Sf CURE ENO: IND bis wile of Fhe : Card i726, re- cars A é. Ye weber By. whey te ot ‘poten eo aw fae ao ae YY). | zee you~ ¥, ; POS i Dr. ferres* C. fle7 | : Ne bi 527 Oipspo0 at yet bap | Yoivrey Of ee ae | ° °o < = GBNUINE CURTEIC H } June 3, 1945. sae2 é ; a fe ia | in a hi ii iy boy ud a ae +. a his iy o bl Hi ti ip a f i + P : : § ir Hin it ra Ib i 3 alae ¥ | Cordially yours, r of Physical Edueation, Varsity Basketball Coach. | H Y GE -+-A The Health Magazine — 535 N. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. D gare pe ; Thank you for your payment of ZZ ao received..id=.%>.%4......with your order for.2.4éecn... subscriptions to HYGETA. SAINVIS tit SANGE f Ever A oe : Wd ANS ery t urs, HYGEIA Department AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION May 24, 1945. Mr. R. A. Heggart, Chief Mate, SS Nathaniel J. Wyeth, San Franciseo, California. Dear Bob: I wes indeed happy to hear from yous I saw John Brand at the Country Club yesterday and he told me you had written him. Not very long ago Mrs. Smith, mother of “Rip” Smith, told me that she had a stopwatch which had belonged to her husband who had used it to time horses, and now that she no loncer hed any use for it she wanted to sell it to me. Ever since I got your letter that was in the back of my mind, but I couldn't think of her nesme. It occurred to me this morning and I called her. People are , always trying to sell me something, from therapeutic lamps to scales. ‘There was cone fellow who had a therapeutic lamp for his wife who died of cancer, and he wanted to trade me the lemp for a couple of season tickets so he could take his girl to the football and basketball Zamsese Mre. Smith is taking the stogiestabto Makepeace i eases 40 tpprndoet. Then I called John Brand and told hin what I had done. ono eee visit with hin. I am sending you a copy of a mimeographed letter wo sent to som. of our boys in the service. You may be interested in some of their activities. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. It seems of the many civic ¥ Red Cross drive. bility Seo aene strange not to be stating the — will shoot back @ check. ee projects of Lawrence to you'and Mrs Allen ca pone eerie May 13,. 1945. I had a call from your dad the other day, saying that you had refused to let me or any of the old folks or any — of your friends around here help you. I want to commend and congratulate you on the old fighting spirit to do the job your- self. Seid Ged wath yee get txt es ny tn yore me ‘power and you are still going to move on your own power. Con- gratulations on that spirit, but I want you to know if and when Se address. Se is ictal wis aida aa base bs the service and will use that letter as an aid in lining up their addresses when you want to drop them a note. Another will be fortheoming in a few weeks now. We will heve a lot of nemee to eee eS or JYe With all good wishes, I an Sincerely y ours, , Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH ‘ Varsity Basketball Coach. Mrs. Justin Hill, West 7th Street, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Margaret: \ These are the “Small Blacks" that I told you I would send to your offspring. There is one for each of them, one for Jus and one for you. We got the "Small Blacks" at the Harvey House. Our youngsters loved to eat them years ago, and we have never gotten out of the habit. i : Sincerely yours, - Pireotor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Mey 11, 1943. Gower Place, Lawrence, Kansas. fear Rarriet: Shere Sa exw: thing thet we overlooked, ant: that is sending you one of these mimeographed letters that we sent to Rey and the other « I thought you might like to have this. We will keep you om our mailing list. Sincerely, Direstor of Physioal Eduontion, PCA:AH Versity Basketball Conohe May 10, 1943. Bre Albert E. Heas, Haas & Wilkerson Insurance, $12 Baltimore Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Dear Als I have kept your letter of January 22nd on my desk intending each duy, week or month to answer the same. I have now finally gotten around to it and am sending these two letters back from the Chinese boya. I am sure that Mrs. Haas may want to keep then, if she is anything like my wife. Mrs. Allen goes all out on these things and I am sure that Mrs. Haas will keep these letters. $0 I am sending them to you for that purpose. I have had a great deal of contact with Chinese boys and I think they are wonderful. You did a great service in taking these boys to the game and I would have enjoyed immensely meeting then. You know, Al, this old world is a pratty small place, after all, and if we do a kindnesa like this not only do we get a big thrill in doing it at the time, but many wonderful contacts are made in this Way and no one knows when good things will come back to a fellow who does the decent thing. With all good wishes to you and yours, I an Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Versity Basketball Coash. WILKERSON CARBIDE & CARBON BLDG. Telephone 912 Baltimore Ave. INSURANCE Victor 6430 KANSAS CITY, MO. Jane 22 L 84.6 PERSONAL Dre F. Ce Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"s: I want to write and thank you for the tickets to the basket- ball game last Saturday night. I certainly don't want you to feel that I expect you to give me free tickets every time KeUe plays in Kansas City although I expect to gOe However, I do appreciate it, and it is mighty nice of you to remember mee An interesting thing happened in connection with the tickets Saturday night that I thought you would appreciate knowing aboute ' I asked Cal Morrow to tell you I would like to have four tickets, and, at the last minute, the couple with whom we were going couldn't go so we took the two extra tickets down to the \Kansas City Canteen and asked the man in charge if a couple of soldiers would like to go to the basketball game. Ina little while out came two Chinese boys, who are in the Air Corps. and stationed in Kansas City studying radioe It seems as if these boys had played basketball in San Fran- cisco. One of them was born in China; the other in California, and night after night they had been sitting around the Canteen with nothing to do and had been asked nowheree Since they appeared to be very gentlemanly and intelligent, we took them right along with us and sat with them. As we became acquaint- ed we got to feeling glad that we drew these boys as they were pretty lonesome and homesick and their appreciation of this little favor was really pathetic. We took them for a ride after the game and bought them some- thing to eate This week we received a letter from each of the boys and a large potted plant was sent out to the house to Mrs. HaaSe We are going to continue to keep in contact with them, and we are going to have them out to the house Sunday, SO you see, you are responsible for this, and I thought you -2=—- Dre Fe Ce Allen Jane Ley 19435 would get a kick out of ite I am enclosing the letters the boys sent to use It looks as if Ke Ue has a wonderful team this year, and I hope you are able to keep your team together and gain national recognitione I would say a National Championship, but I am afraid to mention ite Wishing you the best of luck, and with kindest regards, I am Very truly yours, May 8, 1943. Lt. Myrl J. Hodson, 236 N. 17th St., Muskogee, Oklahoma. Dear Myrl and Jane: I find that I have not answered your letter of April 18th, but I have just written to a gentleman down in Brazil who wrote me on December 14th, so you sse I do get far behind in my correspondence. The day I saw you good people I was in a rush to make three connections - lr. MoBride, Mr. Haynes and lr. Reaves Peters, so you see I had a lot to do in an hour's time. I did not notice that I revealed my nervousness, but you people were going some place, as I recall, on tla ase 80 _ rig — of those hello and goodby salutstions. 3 e been accus re of people that I the nervous sign when I om in a hurry. But don't we all? ee I notice where the 88th division was called on the alert. I renember pretty distinctly one September night about ten o*clock we were called out at Camp Sheridan and marched ton miles just because the eolonel was anxious to show a visiting colonel how quickly he could get his camp marching. So I am not surprised with this World War on that these alerts are sounded just et the most unsuspecting moment. Apparently the rumor regarding the President was correct because I noticed where he had been down there, and he was alao out at Fort Riley. Jeck Ballard, whom you know, wrote me from Fort Riley that he was one of the honor guards that gat with the President in church at Port Riley on daster morning. He certainly was all set up over the fact because he sat just four rows from the Commander~in-Chief. _. &ll of our basketball boys are now in the service. Charlie Black is in Utah, Ray Bvans is in St. Petersburg, and Armand Dixon is in California. They are scattered to the four winds of the United States, but none of them have gone overseas as yet. Iam obtaining a list of all the boys and we expect to write a mouthly letter to them. I will send you a copy of our next month's issue. a Now, regarding the photos. I will be honest and state that am not sure that I can locate them but I will endeavor to do so. I this 4 have bad habit. Iwill carry a pack of envelopes in my pocket for about two months. I generally use these envelopes on the outside A Direstor of Physical Hducation, Varsity Basketball Coash. - § b 8 E 4 : ree ga. Jf. Karly ee eet ee aan, May 8, 1% 3. Sgt. A. G. Hulteen, Army Postal Section, A.P.0. 437 - c/o Postuaster, - _ Los Angeles, California. . Dear Georges I was very happy to get your good letter and to know that you are getting along so well. Of course, I am happy that you were pleased with the letter. We are planning on amplifying that service a little so that we will have a list of all our “K" men who are in the service, and also their location. It will be a fine thing f us to know where each and every one of the boys are and just how they are progressing. | I am glad that you like your work. Certainly when you come back to Lawrence you will know a lot more about it than not only the assistant postmaster, but another fellow that I know of. Guess who? § I trust that you will get in 0.¢.8. and I em sure that you will because the grades that you have made will qualify you for that. Per- haps they would rather keep you on the job there because you oan do a lot of constructive work, but as far as you are concerned I would be selfish enough to want the 0.C.S. and would try to get it at the first opportunity. 4 I just got a letter from Jack Ballard and he was fortunate enough to be one of the escorts for President Roosevelt at Fort Riley. He sat just four rows away from the Commander-in-Chief, and he got quite a thrill from it. Jack is in the motorcycle division. I imagine if that bloomin' motorsyele got going too fast Jack will just put his feet dow on the ground and put on the brake. Anyhow, he likes it. He has won first place with the .45 and he has also won first place among the sharpshooters. And by the way, you remember Melvin Griffin. He is first lieutenant in the Merines and he did just the thing that Jack acoomplished. These boys in athletics, sone of the, have pretty keen eyes. — an | | Lots of good luck to you, George, and you may rest assured that we will endeavur to keep the home fires burning while you are away. With all good wishes to you, I am ee Sincerely yours, ) Director of Physical Educaté. on, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Army Postal Section APO 437 c/o’Postmaster ‘ Los Angeles, California, May 3, 1943 Dear Docs: Alberta sent me a copy of your letter to the boys, which I received today. To say that I was pleased is a weak way of expressing my real feelings. I realize more than lots of people just how busy you reAlly are, and can appreciate the task it would be to write to each of us who look forward to word from home. Your plan of a consolidated letter is aces with me. I have a real job here. I am on detached service from my outfit. One 2nd. Ltdj, and 17 enlisted men are operating APO 437until a new unit is activated to take over. E am senior non-com here and am acting first Sates, along with my duties as Army Mail Clerk. The postal service is the one branch of the army where all financial responsibility is in the hands of ~an enlisted man rather than an officer. My job as A.M.C. is very similar to that of ASS‘T Postmaster in a civilian post office. I have custody of the stamp stock, responsibility for all money order business and so forth. BUT I like it-- It seems to be right up my alleye When I get back to the P.O. in Lawrence, I don't believe the boys will be able to make me take a back seat with regards postal knowledge, for believe me I'm learning a lot here. I have been working on the possibility of going to officer school, ami believe I'll get the job done one of these days. The army has a project which is called tha " Army Specialized Treining Program". I have taken the preliminary examination which I passed with better than a GOOD grade. I am awa ting a call to be interviewed by the board of officers who have the responsibility of selecting men to be trained as officers in the branch of the se service in which they are best qualified. If I can convincethe Board that I am of officer caliber, maybe I'll get to go to school some more. It will be wrth it for I believe that I can pass and eventually become a’wearer of the BRASS rather than stripes. That seems to be what Alberta wants, so I guess it's the smart thing to do. She is usually right-- or did you know that? Once more I want to express my appreciation for having been remembered. It is a treat to read your letters, and I shall look forward to © the monthly letter to the boys. One of these days this struggke will be over, and I'll be coming home to take your secretary away from you. Until then I'll be thankful that she is under the guiding hand of so good a friend. Adios Doc, I'll be looking f or more word fromyou. OL Ae Ge Hulteen Army Postal Section APO 437 c/o’ Postmaster Los Angeles, California. ‘THE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS / : | OMAHA, NEBRASKA ES. HICKEY, HEAD COACH OF BASKETBALL May 4, 1943. Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach | University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc:" : I have your letter of April 30. I was very pleased to hear from you again and to have your ideas on the choice of the N.C.A.A. Committee last year. I surely can second your ideas comprning Dr. King. You would only have to read the fine letters that he has sent; especially the one following our announcement this spring, to know of his fairness. I hope nothing will ever reflect on him but of course he is only one on a Committee; but we ae See sure of his oe I have epprecta ted your letters very much and hope that it will not be too long in the Das when we can have a good visit again. sincerely yours, ; Ah “S e Fickey Basketball Coach Woe