ST. JOSEPH NEWS-PRESS AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY St. Joseph Guzette MORNING C.M.PALMER, PRESIDENT HENRY D. BRADLEY, PustisHer ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI EDITORIAL ROOMS ARTHUR V. BURROWES, EDITOR May 19 Dear Phog; I don't know who is making up the football schedule at K.U.,far next fall but you mightvtell him that the Kosecrans field Flyers will be playing football and are looking for games. Right now it looks like a good grade college team but there is no telling what my happen later. You may remember the Flyers lost their three best baskettall players the week they were to play you. I believe that they will be better in football and basketball,too, this coming season, Anything you can do yo help the boys get games will be appreciated. a Arthur F ,Hughes Sports Editor the Gazette